Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(in print)
ISSN :2433-2410(online)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 12
1990 発行

Antenatal Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Fetal Anomalies of Central Nervous System

Aoki, Showa
Hata, Toshiyuki
Seno, Daisaku
Hata, Kohkichi
Hirayama, Keiko
Takamiya, Osamu
Kitao, Manabu
We present herein 10 cases with fetal anomalies of central nervous system (CNS), diagnosed antenatally by ultrasound, at Shimane Medical University Hospital. Five anencephalies, 4 hydrocephaluses and one encephalocele could be diagnosed in utero, but associated 3 sacral meningoceles were failed to detect antenatally. Eight cases were stillbirth and one case with hydrocephalus died due to heart anomaly on 142th neonatal day. But, last case with hydrocephalus was still alive under the pediatric management. We discussed the ultrasonographic findings of fetal anomalies of CNS and reviewed the previous papers.