Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(in print)
ISSN :2433-2410(online)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 4 2
1980-12-01 発行

Continuous 24 Hour Electrocardiographic Study of Geriatric Patients without Cardio-Pulmonary Disease

Nomoto, Kunihiro
Moriyama, Katsutoshi
Goto, Saiji
Continuous 24 hour electrocardiography was recorded in 10 geriatric patients without cardio-pulmonary diseases. Atrial premature beats were observed in all and the frequency ranged from 10 to 306 beats per 24 hours. Ventricular premature beats were evident in three and ranged from 3 to 98 beats per 24 hours. Transient sinus tachycardia was seen in two, and in one, repetitive upper atrioventricular junctional premature beats were also evident.
As for variation of cardiac cycle in diurnal and nocturnal periods, heart rate were significantly decreased at night, but the frequency of premature beats remained unchanged. There was no relationship between occurrence of arrhythima and subjective symptoms described on a hourly event card, and such included precordial oppressive sensation, chest pain and palpitation.