Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(in print)
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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 11
1988 発行

Detection of Urinary Luteinizing Hormone in Subjects with a Normal Ovulatory Cycle Using a Simple Test Kit

Takahashi, Kentaro
Yoshino, Kazuo
Nishigaki, Arata
Shirai, Takaaki
Uchida, Akihiro
Kusakari, Masuo
Kitao, Manabu
We have evaluated the usefulness of a simple test to detect urinary LH, ie, sol particle immunoassay (Discretest). The Discretest was positive 16-24 hours before the LH-surge in the blood and in eight cases, the test results of Discretest changed from positive to negative, before and after ovulation. Discretest seems to be a useful tool as ovulation can be monitored accurately and rapidly.