Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(in print)
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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 11
1988 発行

Highly Sensitive Diagnosis of Emergency Obstetric-Gynecologic Disorders Using Real-Time Ultrasound

Aoki, Showa
Hata, Toshiyuki
Hata, Kohkichi
Hirayama, Keiko
Matsunaga, Isao
Murao, Fuminori
Kitao, Manabu
Real-time ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 47 with obstetric and gynecologic emergencies at Hirata Municipal Hospital, Japan, from May '84 to September '86. In 45 (sensitivity=95.7%), the ultrasonography presented conclusive evidence to make a diagnosis, but in 2 with pelvic inflammatory disease and endometrial cyst, the correct findings of intrapelvic abnormal pathogenic changes were not depicted. Thus, real-time ultrasound is a pertinent diagnostic tool which can be used to make a correct diagnosis in various obstetric and gynecologic emergencies.