Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(in print)
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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 29 1
2012-12-01 発行

Interactions Between ACE Deletion Allele and Obesity During Intervention With Lifestyle Modification in Mild Obese Japanese

Yang Jianjun
Mutombo Paulin Beya wa Bitadi
Iwamoto, Mamiko
Nogi, Akiko
Shiwaku, Kuninori
As the gene-gene or gene-environment interactions on obesity are unresolved, we investigated the ACE I/D, UCP1 -3826 A/G, α_(2B)-ADR Glu^(12)/Glu^9, β_3-ADR Trp64Arg, and PON1 Q192R genotypes at the baseline and after a lifestyle-modified intervention for body mass index(BMI). A total of 212 Japanese adults lowered their BMI 0.8 ± 0.8kg/ m^2 over three months. The I/D + D/D genotypes of ACE had significantly higher BMI compared to the I/I genotype at the baseline, but there were no significant differences for the other four genetic polymorphisms and the addictive effects of these genetic polymorphisms. The I/D + D/D genotypes of ACE induced greater reduction of BMI. Greater weight-loss in the D allele group remained after adjustment for age, sex, BMI at the baseline, energy balance and the other four genetic polymorphisms. The I/D + D/D genotypes of ACE had significantly higher BMI at the baseline, but induced weight-loss through the lifestyle intervention, as compared to the I/I genotype.