.14 巻
A Report of Approaches on the ”Basic Experience Area” in 2014
PP. 1 - 16
PP. 17 - 26
PP. 27 - 36
Situation of the students in the present entrance test system in the Faculty of Education, Shimane University: Relationships among employment situation, type of entrance test, teachership orientation, GPA, and activities for education experience
PP. 37 - 49
PP. 51 - 59
Psychological research of the relation between play abilities and social skills in fifth and sixth grade elementary school students
野本 浩太郎
石野 陽子
PP. 75 - 88
A Report of Development and Effectiveness of Rubrics for Extraclass Activities
PP. 89 - 97
Development of joint attention related behaviors of infants Transitional process from Dyadic to Triadic Interactions
PP. 99 - 109
Teaching Science Based on the Structural Analysis of Learning Contents in Junior High School : Emphasizing the Connection of Learning Contents
PP. 111 - 125
PP. 127 - 140
Practices in Science Class for the “Electric Current” Unit Using an Original “Water Flow Model” in Junior High School
PP. 141 - 155
Invention of the Learning Instruction to Raise Interest in Choice and Safety of the Food : A Focus on Food Additives
PP. 157 - 166
PP. 167 - 179
Instructional Development Research of Educational Project Model Outreach Programs in Primary School Music Classes
松本 菜摘
河添 達也
PP. 181 - 190
A Study of vocal technique instruction on teacher training course (2) : Focusing on vocalization theory and vocal organs
PP. 191 - 205
