.15 巻
A Report of Approaches on the“Basic Experience Area”in 2015
PP. 1 - 16
Policies and Practices for quality assurance of teacher training education on the Faculty of Education at Shimane University(3)
PP. 17 - 31
Policies and Practices for the quality assurance of teacher training in the Graduate School of Education at Shimane University
PP. 33 - 46
PP. 47 - 61
Exploring the Third-Party Evaluation on the Education Practices of the Faculty of Education at Shimane University : Evaluation on the Practice of 2015 Fiscal Year.
PP. 63 - 75
A study on the Student Support Program under the‘Open System’of Teacher Training : Focusing on the Activities of the‘Suiyo-club’in 2014-2015
PP. 77 - 90
The Forming Process of Human Life Theory of MIZOUE Yasuko : Focusing on her Idea of Relationship between Society and Individuals
PP. 91 - 105
PP. 107 - 121
Effects of Interaction with Disliked Childcare Workers and Teachers during Infancy and Childhood on Subsequent Development of Adolescence Personality.
千石 祐恵
石野 陽子
PP. 123 - 139
An Elementary School Science to Unify Instruction and Assessments : Through Lessons of 3rd Grade Unit on Electric Circuit
PP. 141 - 151
The Radiation Education in Junior High School Attached to Shimane University
PP. 153 - 168
The Reality and Awareness of the Eating Habits of University Students : Who Uses a University Co-op Cafeteria as Seen through Photo Analysis
PP. 169 - 181
A practical classroom study aimed at establishing keyboard harmonica fingering
平塚 菜津美
島畑 斉
PP. 183 - 197
