
.12 巻
A Relationship between the Activity Time in the“Basic Experience Area”and Results of Employment especially for New Teachers
PP. 17 - 28
Policies and Practices for quality assurance of teacher training education on the Faculty of Education at Shimane University
PP. 29 - 42
Investigation of a teacher's consciousness to radiation education and a teaching material
別木 政彦 森川 菜緒 塚田 真也 秋重 幸邦
PP. 43 - 51
Teaching practice regarding the subject “Chemical changes and heat” in a junior high school on the basis of scientific definition of “temperature and heat”
渡部 康弘 園山 裕之 西山 桂
PP. 53 - 65
Development of Teaching Materials aimed at Fostering Consumer with Environmental Conservation Awareness in Elementary School Home Economics : A Focus on Food Mileage
PP. 67 - 76
Child Health and Some Practical Problems in Early Childhood Education
PP. 77 - 89
A Practical Study of Vocal Technique Instruction for Chorus Activity at Junior High School : Focusing on Alto Part
大年 真理子 佐々木 直樹
PP. 91 - 104
Diversity of a Sense at the music department : Focused to Piano accompaniment at the Teaching Method of Singing
田中 沙織 河添 達也
PP. 105 - 116
A study of violin instruction method for beginners
PP. 117 - 130