.21 巻
PP. -
PP. 1 - 24
More Effective and Efficient In-School Training to Improve Teaching Skills: Through the Use of Class Videos
PP. 25 - 40
A Possibility of Basic Level Study Contents and Experience in Art Education
PP. 41 - 52
Exploring the Third-Party Evaluation on the Education Practices of the Faculty of Education at Shimane University: Evaluation on the Practice of 2021 Fiscal Year
PP. 53 - 68
Influence of Picture Book Content on Infants in Reading and Listening Situations: Focusing on developmental stage-specific responses
中川 香澄
伊藤 優
PP. 69 - 84
A Study on the Transformation Process of Values in the "Proportionality" Study of 6th grade
PP. 85 - 97
A Study of How Teachers Work Together in a Subject Teacher System in Elementary Schools
佐々木 日菜子
深見 俊崇
PP. 99 - 113
Learning of Sewing Knowledge and Skill on Home Economics Education of Junior High School
PP. 115 - 123
Research on educational support for a student with difficulty in kanji writing
PP. 125 - 137
Motivating Students for Learning English Through Cooperation Between Elementary and Junior High Schools
PP. 139 - 153
PP. 155 - 169
An Essay on one Teaching Method of Orchestra with the Application of Analyse-3
PP. 171 - 182
A Study on the Preparation of Leaflets for Teaching “Special Subject Morality”: Through a Survey of Teaching Manuals for Moral Education in Japan
大塚 智之
塩津 英樹
PP. 183 - 198
