.19 巻
PP. -
PP. 1 - 17
On the Quality Assurance of Education in the Faculty of Education, Shimane University
PP. 19 - 31
Exploring the Third-Party Evaluation on the Education Practices of the Faculty of Education at Shimane University : Evaluation on the Practice of 2019 Fiscal Year.
PP. 33 - 48
The Current Condition of Young Children's Upper Limb Movement ─ A Basis in Creating an Exercise Program ─
PP. 49 - 57
A Trial on Ribbon Exercise Program for Young Children: Focusing on Upper Limb Movement
PP. 59 - 71
The Teaching Plan for the Roles-of-Sound-in-Life ― Elementary School, Home Economics Housing Class ―
PP. 73 - 87
Development of the Making Relationships with Specific Others in Child who have problems with communication and sociality
金本 和枝
樋口 和彦
PP. 89 - 97
Students Understood and Set Learning Subjects in the Introduction of the Unit ― In Case of the 2nd Grade of Junior High School Lessons on "How is the Cloud Made?" ―
渡邊 潤
栢野 彰秀
PP. 99 - 106
Relationship between Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement in Japan ─ In comparison with Kenya ─
PP. 107 - 122
Nwe Yi Win
熊丸 真太郎
PP. 123 - 139
Investigating Knowledge about Suicide: For Suicide Prevention Education
PP. 141 - 149
