
.16 巻
PP. 17 - 30
A Study on instruction for piano in “Study on Teaching Contents of Music Education” : Focusing on a mutual learning with piano beginners
PP. 155 - 176
A Case Study of Practices Using Tablet Devices in a Special Needs Class
三宅 星也 深見 俊崇
PP. 77 - 92
The teacher's supports for the elementary school students who have experienced their parents' divorce (1) : A survey study with a questionnaire for elementary school teachers
石野 陽子 立花 春菜
PP. 47 - 61
An Essay on one Teaching Method of Vocal for Minor Students on Teacher Training Course(1) : Depending on the form of Group Lesson
PP. 167 - 176
The Reality and Problems of the Fish Food of University Students : Who Uses a University Co-op Cafeteria
多々納 道子 安積 文香 キッド ダスティン
PP. 145 - 153
Concepts of Middle School Science and Practice Connecting Teacher Education and In-service Ttraining of Teachers : A Class Based on the Unit Plan to Show Learning Tasks to a Child, and a Class that Children Understand a Conclusion as a Result of Inquiry
栢野 彰秀 野﨑 友之 大山 朋江 園山 裕之 福島 章洋
PP. 129 - 143
“Mandalas Made by Strings” as Teaching Material for Mathematics Education
PP. 119 - 127
The teacher's supports for the elementary school students who have experienced their parents' divorce (2) : An interview study with undergraduates who have experienced their parents' divorce
立花 春菜 石野 陽子
PP. 63 - 75
Error Analysis of Kanji writing of the pupil with a suspicion of Dysgraphia in a regular classroom
PP. 93 - 102
Present Conditions and Problems of Student Support under the ‘Open System’ of Teacher Training : Focusing on the Activities of the ‘Suiyo-club’ during Three Years
PP. 31 - 46