.18 巻
PP. -
PP. 1 - 16
A Study on instruction for“Classes on Teaching of Living Environment Studies”in Curriculm of Teacher Education
PP. 17 - 32
Understanding the Relationship between the Handicapped and the Non-handicapped in Elementary Schools
津中 喜幸
深見 俊崇
PP. 33 - 48
An Analysis of Margaret H’Doubler’s “Realization and Appreciation of Music through Movement(1921)”: Focusing on Learning Contents and Methods of Teaching
PP. 49 - 60
Effects of Synchrony in Communication with Person with Aphasia
PP. 61 - 76
Current status and Issues in a music classes of schools for the intellectually disabled
PP. 77 - 86
Consideration about Childrens' Activities through a Process of Inquiry
PP. 87 - 100
PP. 101 - 108
A Study on Singing Materials in Early Childhood Education ― From Collecting and Analyzing Singing Materials ―
PP. 109 - 120
Practical study of solfege teaching in Teacher Training Course - Focusing on the correspondence to the student who learns the first hearing -
PP. 121 - 132
Critical Examination of the Question "What would you like to be?" in Career Education
PP. 133 - 146
