.11 巻
A Report of Approaches on the¨Basic Experience Area¨in 2011
PP. 1 - 14
PP. 15 - 26
A Practical Report of University Physical Education Class : Aimed Improvement of Teacher
廣兼 志保
大橋 奈希左
PP. 27 - 41
Practice of Science Classes at a Primary School in Taiwan by Utilizing Advanced Chemical Materials
PP. 43 - 52
Attempt of Dietary Education focusing on School Lunch Menu with Sweet Potato Menu Design
PP. 53 - 60
Fundamental Research for Support of Children with Color Blindness in Schools
正岡 さち
井上 麻穂
PP. 61 - 70
Revision of the guidelines for the construction of kindergarten facilities development guidelines and the kindergarten facilities in the future
町田 佳菜子
正岡 さち
PP. 71 - 78
Making of the collaboration study with music player in a music education : Focusing on the “Common Items each activity” in a new course of study
飯島 馨
河添 達也
PP. 79 - 89
A practical research for music making with the linguistic intonation in music education at part-time high school
多賀 秀紀
河添 達也
PP. 91 - 106
A practical research of music instruction in intellectual disability education : Focusing on changes in the physical expression of ideas with piano accompaniment
三代 知枝
河添 達也
PP. 107 - 117
A Practical Study of Shakuhachi for Junior High School Music Education : A Case Study of Shika no Tone
高木 いずみ
藤井 浩基
PP. 119 - 133
