
.22 巻
A Report on the Approaches in the Educational Support Fieldwork Area in 2022
PP. 1 - 28
The current circumstances of measuring against school teacher recruitment examination in Shimane university faculty of education "Mirai Kyoushi Juku".
PP. 29 - 38
Development of Teaching Materials for Differentiated Learning in Elementary School Social Studies -A Case Study of the Corner of "Industry Automobiles" in Fifth Grade
三嶋 華歩 山川 大輝 上田 竜矢 呑田 潤 長﨑 耕作 松尾 和樹 深見 俊崇
PP. 39 - 53
A Study of Career Education on Class Activities : From Perspective of Theory of Life Guidance
早川 知宏 佐藤 雄一郎
PP. 55 - 68
The actual state of cooking practice at home and the ingenuity of learning guidance to improve practical ability
PP. 69 - 75
Encouraging Teachers to Increase Intrinsic Motivation For All Students in the class : Through Sixth-grade Elementary School Science Class
万代 征史 石野 陽子
PP. 93 - 108
A Practical Study on Appreciation Instruction for Junior High School :Appreciation Learning that Incorporates Physical Activities and Promotes Knowledge and Understanding with a Sense of Reality
安田 真梨 河添 達也
PP. 109 - 118