.17 巻
The effects of a study on role-play training for junior high school home economics teachers
PP. 185 - 195
The effectiveness of regional collaborative education program to raise problem discovering and solving abilities and mind to cherish the local area ― Achievement and challenge through questionnaire of graduates ―
中村 怜詞
熊丸 真太郎
PP. 105 - 124
Basic Consideration of the Class about the Problem is Clear and Children are the Main Character ― In Case of Junior High School Science ―
PP. 153 - 167
A study of the relationship among classroom atmosphere, sense of authenticity and learning motivation
野原 万智子
深見 俊崇
PP. 75 - 87
Comparative Study of Impression of Student Guidance and Educational Counseling in the Teacher-Training Course ― As the Underlying Data of the Lesson about Student Guidance ―
PP. 33 - 44
PP. 1 - 16
Research on educational support for a high-school student with difficulty in kanji writing (dysgraphia)
大櫃 達也
稲垣 卓司
PP. 45 - 57
A Report on Improvement of Instruction Skills in Science ─Through Tutor of Teacher Training Program Students ─
山代 一成
栢野 彰秀
PP. 169 - 184
A Science Class‘Growth and Reproduction of Organisms’ in 3rd Grade of Junior High School ─ The Teaching Plan about Somatic Cell Divisions Using Shoot Tips ─
PP. 137 - 151
A Study in Learning Support Methods of Social Behavior in Daily Life Situation: Possibilities of ICT appliation to the Social Skill Training
PP. 125 - 135
A study of support given by nursery staff ― an analysis of parents’needs ―
久保田 智子
石野 陽子
PP. 59 - 73
Exploring the Third-Party Evaluation on the Education Practices of the Faculty of Education at Shimane University : Evaluation on the Practice of 2017 Fiscal Year
PP. 17 - 32
PP. -
The Study on Learning Effects by Analogical Instructions in Proportion Unit of Mathematics
PP. 89 - 103
