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島根大学農学部研究報告 Volume 19
published_at 1985-12-20
三瓶演習林における落葉広葉樹林施業法に関する研究(2) : 皆伐後20数年経過した林分の天然更新過程の検討
Studies for Management of Deciduous Broad Leaved Forest in Sanbe University Forest(2) : Age Distribution of Trees in About 25 Years Old
Fujie Isao
Ishii Hiroshi
( 940 KB )
The age distribution of trees of about 25 years old naturally regenerated broad-leaved forest was investigated for the purpose of obtaining the information useful for the repro duction method of coppice forest producing logs for Shiitake(Lentinus edodes SINGER) culture. All the trees higher than 1 meter in 10m × 10m plot were cut and annual rings at the base of stems were counted. The age of trees was broadly distributed from 2 to 29 years. Some of the shrub trees appeared after withenng of Sasa veitchii var. hirsuta by an unusual flowering 12 years ago. Although there is a general correlation between age and height of trees, some of the characteristic features are also present. On the case of trees over 20 years old, the tree height of Quercus serrata is heigher than Carpinus laxiflora and C. tschonoskii. But, when less than 20 years old, this is not the case, and contrarily Q. serrata is suppressed by other species because of its shade-intorelant character.This phenomenon suggests that early establishment of Q. serrata is essential for successful regeneration of coppice forest for logs for Shiitake culture.
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PP. 134 - 139
PP. 140 - 145