
.18 巻
On Anomalous Segregation of Culm Length and Heading Time Observed in the Rice Variety "Nipponbare"(II) : Outcrossing Percentages of the Rice Variety "Nipponbare"
今木 正
PP. 1 - 7
Effects of Light Intensity around Cluster on the Coloration and Pigmentation in 'Kyoho' Grape
内藤 隆次 山村 宏 池上 研二 大井 秀一 三島 啓子
PP. 8 - 15
Effect of Dormancy-breaking Treatments on Respiration of Gladiolus Corms
PP. 16 - 20
Studies on the Flower Production of Bulbous Plants under Computer Controlled System(6) : On the Growth of Retarded Lily Plant cv. 'Enchantment' and the Quality and Keeping of Its Cut Flowers
青木 宣明 吉野 蕃人
PP. 21 - 27
The variation of Rumination Behaviour in Sheep
春本 直
PP. 28 - 33
The Nitrogen Utilization in Sheep Receiving Forage Diet in the Fresh Form
藤原 勉 岩部 幸夫
PP. 34 - 39
On the Reasonable Shape of Hoofs in Beef Cattle (Late Stage of Fattening) and Effect of Trimming on Fattening
宇津田 嘉弘
PP. 40 - 45
Recovery of Buried Juvenile Sugi(Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Trees after Melting of Snow(I) : On the Occasion of Two Years Old Plantation in the Year with Little Snow
石井 弘
PP. 46 - 52
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(XII) : Difference of Above Ground Biomass in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest along a Slope
片桐 成夫 石井 弘 三宅 登 安東 義朗
PP. 53 - 60
The Composition and Above Ground Biomass of Understory in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest
片桐 成夫 石井 弘 三宅 登
PP. 61 - 66
Studies for Management of Deciduous Broad Leaved Forest in Sanbe University Forest(1) : The Present Stand Structure and the Problems of Further Studies
藤江 勲 片桐 成夫 石井 弘
PP. 67 - 73
Impact Sound Insulathion of Wooden Panel Floor
塩田 洋三 高橋 徹 田中 千秋
PP. 74 - 79
Survey of Impact Noise Isolation Capability of Floors in a Reinforced-Concrete Apartment Building
高橋 徹 田中 千秋 塩田 洋三
PP. 80 - 87
Studies on the Conversion of Wood into Energy(I) : Chemical Composition and Calorific Value of Extracts from Paraquat-treated Wood
城代 進 真柄 謙吾 後藤 輝男
PP. 88 - 93
Surface-Densification of Wood by Continuous Hot-Pressing
往西 弘次 福田 克伸 後藤 輝男
PP. 94 - 101
Species Identification and Microscopic Structure of Wood Artifacts Excavated from the Remains of Sainotoge and Nishikawatsu
古野 毅 沖村 義人
PP. 102 - 112
Effect of Growth Temperature on Lipid and Fatty Acid Compositions in Photosynthetic Bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides S
平山 修 常松 秀明 林 利三 奥田 敏彦
PP. 113 - 119
Rainfall and Runoff Characteristics in Masuda Reclamation Area Caused by Heavy Rainfall, July, 1983
福島 晟 田中 礼次郎
PP. 120 - 131
Distribution Characteristics of Ordered Stream Numbers in Stream Network Systems
PP. 132 - 142
Time Series Analysis of the Salinity of Shinjiko Lake and Related Hydrological Observations(I) : Abstructs of the Variations and Correlations by Monthly Observations
竹山 光一 田中 礼次郎 近重 文男
PP. 143 - 149
Experimental Study of Consolidation of Compacted Partially Saturated Soils(II)
鳥山 晄司
PP. 150 - 158
On the Dimensions of Tractor on the Slope Field(3) : Relation between Yaw Angle and Side Slip Angle
田辺 一 中尾 清治
PP. 159 - 163
Noise Analysis in Rice Drying, Processing and Storage Facilities Mesurement of Noisy Sound in Kanan and Hokubu Country Elevators, Izumo City
中尾 清治 田辺 一
PP. 164 - 170
Scanning Electron-Microscopy of Sterigma in Exobasidium spp.
野津 幹雄 吉永 敦典
PP. 171 - 182
Pathogenicity of Pyricularia sp. from Bamboo and P. oryzae to Bamboo Grown in the Fields
荒瀬 榮 野津 幹雄 糸井 節美 加賀山 文雄
PP. 183 - 187
Enzymic Preparation of Thiamine Analogues by the Utilization of a Base-Exchange Reaction
持田 和男 中村 利家 藤田 啓二
PP. 188 - 192
Automatic Determination of Thiamine and Its Phosphates by the Use of Immobilized Thiaminase I
持田 和男 中村 利家 藤田 啓二
PP. 193 - 196
The Present Conditions and Problems of the Large-Scale Tenant Farmers of Rice Production
平塚 貴彦
PP. 197 - 205
Process of Development of the Tenryu Forestry
北川 泉
PP. 206 - 213