
.17 巻
Sterility Caused by High Temperature at Flowering in Rice Plants
今木 正 常慶 一芳 山田 一郎
PP. 1 - 7
Forcing of Tree Peony by Chemicals and Low Temperature Treatment, and Retarding by Long-term Cold Storage
細木 高志 浜田 守彦 稲葉 久仁雄
PP. 8 - 12
Effect of Chemicals, Hot Water and Hulling on Breaking Corm Dormacy in Summer-flowering Gladiolus
PP. 13 - 16
Nitrogen Utilization in Sheep Given a Low-Quality Hay and Orally Supplemented with Casein
藤原 勉 高橋 康彦
PP. 17 - 22
On the Reasonable Shape of Hoof in Beef Cattle
宇津田 嘉弘
PP. 23 - 28
Studies on the Productive Structure of "Shirakashi" (Cyclobalanopsis Myrsinaefolia OERST.) Coppice-forest Managed by Selection Method(10) : On the Biomass in Fifth Circulation-period at the Shimoyamasa Permanent Plot
安井 鈞 藤江 勲 山本 充男
PP. 29 - 33
Analysis of Growth Curve(2) : Taylor Series and the Crozier Equation
山本 充男 安井 鈞
PP. 34 - 38
Variation and Heredity of Cryptomeria japonica D. DON Naturally Regenerating in Mt. Sambe(2) : The Weight of Stems, the Weight of Branches and Leaves, and Characters of Branches
三宅 登 石井 弘 片桐 成夫
PP. 39 - 45
Analysis of the Severely Dameged Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D.DON) Stands by Unusual Snowfall : Snow Damage Occurred in Obama District of Fukui Prefecture in December, 1981
石井 弘 片桐 成夫 上野 直之
PP. 46 - 52
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(X) : Relation between Amount of Nutrient Elements in Soil and Moisture Index
片桐 成夫 石井 弘 三宅 登 喜多村 雅夫
PP. 53 - 59
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(XI) : Difference of Seasonal Change of Leaf Fall by Tree Species
片桐 成夫 石井 弘 三宅 登 杉本 孝一
PP. 60 - 67
A Fundamental Study of the Impact Sound on a Wood Frame Floor : the Vibration Response of the Impact Sources and Floor
塩田 洋三 田中 千秋 高橋 徹
PP. 68 - 73
A Study of the Contours of Sound Pressure Level in the Receiving Room of Wood-frame House
塩田 洋三 田中 千秋 高橋 徹 山本 充男 橘 秀樹
PP. 74 - 81
Characteristics and Machinabilities of Natural Abrasive Materials
田中 千秋 塩田 洋三 古野 毅 高橋 徹
PP. 82 - 88
Cell Counts of Escherichia coli in Lake Nakanoumi
松本 宗人 西躰 雄二郎 田中 朗
PP. 89 - 91
A Method of Flood Runoff Analysis by the Applied Series Tanks Model
福島 晟 田中 礼次郎
PP. 92 - 99
Studies on the Simulation Model of Automatic Diversion Apparatus with Buoyancy Effect : Basic Model and its Application to Neribeya Diversion Works in Toban Irrigation Project
PP. 100 - 106
On the Drying Effects of Polder-land Soil by Vegitations : A case of the Yasuki Division in the Nakaumi Polder
今尾 昭夫 福桜 盛一
PP. 107 - 112
The Influence of Anisotropy and Soaking on Shearing Properties of Standard Compacted Soils
鳥山 晄司
PP. 113 - 118
Conversion of Tensile Creep into Tensile Stress Relaxation on Concrete
PP. 119 - 122
On the Dimensions of Tractor on the Slope Field(2) : Side Slip Angle of Tractor Keeping the Direction to the Contour Line
田辺 一 中尾 清治
PP. 123 - 128
Development of Solid Manure Injector
中尾 清治 パソン S P.
PP. 129 - 133
Some Observations on the Sporulation of Pyricularia zizaniaecola HASHIOKA
糸井 節美 瀧野 和宏 荒瀬 榮
PP. 134 - 140
Light Microscopical Studies on Host and Non-host Response of Rice Plants against Several Pyricularia spp
荒瀬 榮 糸井 節美 西村 正暘 甲元 啓介 尾谷 浩
PP. 141 - 146
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(2) : Relationship between Temperature and the Developmental Velocity of Haplogonatopus atratus ESAKI et HASHIMOTO (Hymenoptera : Dryinidae)
PP. 147 - 151
Cleavage of Organic Esters Catalyzed by Polyamine Derivatives of β-Cyclodextrin
持田 和男 中村 利家 山本 道範 柳井 晃司 塩月 孝博 松井 佳久
PP. 152 - 155
Catalytic Effect of β-Cyclodextrin Dimer with a Metal Ion on the Oxidation of Furoin
持田 和男 中村 利家 松井 佳久
PP. 156 - 159
Synergistic Action of Allethrin with RO 20-3600 against Musca domestica L.
中村 利家 持田 和男 村松 晶子
PP. 160 - 163