
.6 巻
Effects of High Water Temperature on the Growth of Young Rice Plants in Relation to Temperature and Light Intensity Change
今木 正
PP. 1 - 5
On the Pathogenicity of Cochliobolus miyabeanus (S. Ito et Kurib.) Drechs. To several paddy-weeds
山本 昌木 野津 幹雄 村上 哲夫
PP. 6 - 9
Promotion of Berry Set in Grapes by Growth Retardants(I) : Comparison of the Effects of B-nine and CCC Applied as Shoot Spray and Cluster Dip on Berry Set and Shoot Growth in 'Kyoho' Grapes
内藤 隆次 植田 尚文 石原 義正
PP. 10 - 15
Production of Seedless Berries with GA in Muscat Bailey A Grapes(I) : Effects of the Timing, Concentration and Frequency of GA Application on the Seedlessness Ratio and Bunch Quality
植田 尚文 才峠 幸雄 内藤 隆次
PP. 16 - 20
Karyological Studies on the Garden Hyacinthus(IV)
吉田 正温
PP. 21 - 28
Karyological Studies on the Garden Hyacinthus(V)
吉田 正温
PP. 29 - 38
Studies on the Selection Forest of Ate(Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. Et ZUCC. Var. hondal MAKlNO)(5) : The growth of Maate even-aged uniform forest
安井 鈞 藤江 勲
PP. 39 - 44
On the Relation Between the Various Kinds of Intercept Growth and Total-Height of Kuromatsu (Pinus thunbergii PARL.) Forest Trees
山科 健二
PP. 45 - 48
Ultra-structure of fasciculated tissue of Phyllostachys bambusoides infected with Aciculosporium take
野津 幹雄 山本 昌木
PP. 49 - 52
Structure of the Interface between Wood and Synthetic Polymer(IV) : An Observation on Wood-Plastic Combination (WPC) by Scanning Electron Microscope
古野 毅 後藤 輝男
PP. 53 - 60
Studies on the Improvement of Wooden Materials(IX) : Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate into Karamatsu (Larix leptolepis Gordon)
往西 弘次 城代 進 後藤 輝男
PP. 61 - 65
Studies on the Wood Gluing(X) : Influence of Surface Aging Prior to Gluing on Wettability and Gluability of Wood(Part 2)
作野 友康 後藤 輝男 勝部 理市
PP. 66 - 70
Noise and Vibration of the Ground and Structures Excited by External Forces(III) : Influence by Running Cars on Roads
桜井 敏夫 田中 千秋 野坂 弥蔵 林 隆一 平佐 隆文
PP. 71 - 76
Geometric Surface of Soil Particles(2) : Determination of the Geometric Surface Area of Soil Particles by Microscopic Contour Line Method
小林 哲夫
PP. 77 - 80
Side Skidding Performance of Rolling Tire(1) : Applicability of E. Fiala's Theory to the Side Force at the large Side Slip Angle
中尾 清治 田辺 一
PP. 81 - 89
Flowing Velocity and Screening Character of Flowing Rice and Paddy by the Oscillating Screen
岩尾 俊男 田辺 一
PP. 90 - 102
On the Vibration of Forestry Machine with 2 Cycle Gasolin Engine : Cases of Chain-Saw & Bush-Cutter
桜井 敏夫 田中 千秋
PP. 103 - 108
On Noise Analysis of Hand Feed Planer
田中 千秋 桜井 敏夫
PP. 109 - 111