
.24 巻
The Efficiency for Solar Energy Conversion in Rice Population estimated from Crop Photosynthesis and Respiration under Field Conditions(II) : Estimation of the Solar Energy Conversion from Dry Matter Production during the Ripening Stage
今木 正 武田 昌司
PP. 1 - 7
Proper Time for Picking of Apples in San-in Area
内藤 隆次 青才 竜二 植田 尚文 宮本 健郎
PP. 8 - 12
Retarding of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa, Andr.) by cold-storage for cut- and pot-flower production
浜田 守彦 細木 高志 後藤 貴洋 稲葉 久仁雄
PP. 13 - 16
Derivation of Tree-Number Curve Applied the Markov Chain Theories
稲田 充男
PP. 17 - 20
Nutrient cycling in a Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) stand with insufficient management : Nutrient accumulation in aboveground and soil and nutrient return by litterfall and rainfall
片桐 成夫 金子 信博 小畠 靖
PP. 21 - 27
Morphologaical changes of chloroplasts in cucumber leaves infected with Sphaerotheca fuliginea
野津 幹雄
PP. 28 - 38
A Further Study on Ultrastructural Aspects of Photo-Induced Conidiogenesis and Dedifferentiation in Alternaria solani
本田 雄一 難波 信行 野津 幹雄
PP. 39 - 46
Protection of Broad Bean against Chocolate or Red Spot by Several Pyricularia spp.
荒瀬 榮 藤田 和代 近藤 一美
PP. 47 - 51
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) primavera Sp. Nov., a Japanese Halictine Bee Which Overwinters in Both Female and Male Adults
坂上 昭一 F 前田 泰生
PP. 52 - 59
a Study on Agriculture and Sideline in Shimane Prefecture in the Meiji and Taisho eras
榎 勇
PP. 60 - 79
Household Economic Behavior of Farm Households Classified by Region : Response to Stagflation after Oil-Crisis I
平塚 貴彦
PP. 80 - 90
A Study on the Development Conditions and Ploblems of Beef Cattle Raising by Farming Structure : A Case Study in MITOYA of SHIMANE Prefecture
PP. 91 - 100
Social and Economic Effects of Land Improvement Project : The Results of a Questionnaire on Farmers' Evaluation
PP. 101 - 109
Dynamic Analysis of Depopulation : A Trial Measurement
PP. 110 - 117
Fundamental Studies on Development of the Solid Manure Injector(I) : Trial Production of the Implement and Properties of the Test Material
中尾 清治 楠原 勝彦 藤浦 建史 田中 幸三
PP. 118 - 121
Fundamental Studies on Development of the Solid Manure Injector(II) : Investigation of Injection Control System
中尾 清治 楠原 勝彦 藤浦 建史 田中 幸三
PP. 122 - 127
Pattern Rocognition of Agricultural Crop by Photoelectric Sensor and Color TV Camera
藤浦 建史 中尾 清治 田中 幸三
PP. 128 - 133
Studies on Nondestructive Quality Sorting of Agricultural Products(I) : Spectral Reflectance for Peach Defects
岩尾 俊男 藤浦 建史 竹山 光一 伊藤 憲弘 李 暁明 毛利 建太郎
PP. 134 - 139
Studies on the Combustion Characteristics of Woody-Pellets
岩尾 俊男 林 圭[ワン] 竹山 光一
PP. 140 - 145
Studies on the Surging in the Multi-Placed Pipeline・Stands System(I) : The Effects of Orifice and the Automatic Divergence Apparatus
PP. 146 - 151
Application of Delayed Rainfall Sequence to Runoff Model of Storage Type
福島 晟 田中 礼次郎
PP. 152 - 157
Relation of Lumping to Optimum Model Parameters in Overland Flow Model
PP. 158 - 166
On the Prevention of the Soil Erosion by Mulching
今尾 昭夫 福桜 盛一 木原 康孝
PP. 167 - 171
Change of Soil Structure in Drained Area by Grass Culture(II) : Study Case in YASUGI Resion
福桜 盛一 今尾 昭夫 木原 康孝
PP. 172 - 178
Influence of Adsorption Properties on Cation Transfer
PP. 179 - 184
On Anisotropy of Shearing Properties of Compacted Soil Mixed with Tuff and Volanic Clay
鳥山 晄司
PP. 185 - 190
On Permeability of Compacted Soil Mixed with Tuff and Volcanic Clay
鳥山 晄司
PP. 191 - 198
Evaluation of Gallery Safety with Reliability-Based Design
PP. 199 - 203
Trends in Wood Industry of Japan during 30 years(Part I)
高橋 徹 田中 千秋 中尾 哲也 西野 吉彦 趙 春瑞
PP. 204 - 211
Trends in Wood Industry of Japan during 30 years(Part II)
田中 千秋 中尾 哲也 高橋 徹 西野 吉彦 趙 春瑞
PP. 212 - 221
Effect of corona discharge treatment on hemicellulose prepared from kuromatsu
上原 徹 谷川 充 城代 進 坂田 功
PP. 222 - 226
Release of Ferredoxin-NADP Reductase and Plastocyanin from Spinach Chloroplast Membranes by Potato Galactolipase
平山 修 野元堀 隆 角 治夫
PP. 227 - 232
An Improved Method for Measuring Ion Flow through Excised Roots and Its Application to Halophyte and Non-Halophyte Roots
平山 修 三原 真嗣 林 和夫
PP. 233 - 238
Barium Ion Encourages The Growth of Cyanobacteria
落合 英夫 柴田 均 澤 嘉弘 関永 博人 鈴木 寛司 林田 安弘
PP. 239 - 246
The use of bone powder induced osteoclastic cells as a short-term in vivo model of bone resorption in sheep
松井 徹 春本 直
PP. 247 - 251
Influences of Potassium Chloride and Potassium Sulphate Supplement on Fruit Quality, Yield and Plant Growth of Cherry Tomato in Solution Culture
太田 勝巳 伊藤 憲弘 細木 高志 杉 佳彦
PP. 252 - 257
Lists of the Faculty Member's Publications Faculty of Agriculture,(September 1989~August 1990)
PP. 261 - 282