
.11 巻
Production of Seedless Berries with GA in Muscat Bailey A Grape(III) : Effects of BA Applied at Different Concentrations with GA before Fullbloom on Compactness and Other Bunch Qualities
植田 尚文 宮本 健郎 内藤 隆次
PP. 1 - 4
Studies on the Some Physical Properties of Processing Tomato Fruit : On the Color Tone of Tomato Fruits
伊藤 憲弘 寺田 俊郎
PP. 5 - 11
Studies on the Flower Production of Bulbous Plants under Computer Control System(3) : The Effect of Temperature in the Initial Stage of Early Forcing on the Growth from Planting to Flowering of Iris
吉野 蕃人 青木 宣明 澤田 謙 井上 威久雄
PP. 12 - 17
Cadmium and Copper Distributions in Water and Soils of Mt. Homanzan and Its Neighborhood
達山 和紀 江川 宏 仙丸 寛 山本 廣基 石岡 栄 斉藤 孝一
PP. 18 - 22
Studies on An Unidentified Ninhydrin Positive Substance Detected in Culture Filtrate of Plant Pathogenic Fungi
江川 宏 関塚 彰 達山 和紀
PP. 23 - 27
Patho-Physiological Studies on Potato Late Blight, with Special Reference to the Induction of Resistant Reaction by the Application of DNA Fraction from the Interspecific Hybrid
野津 幹雄 山本 昌木 大船 重幸 西村 昭雄 坂東 俊輝
PP. 28 - 33
The Size Factor in the Toxic Action of DDVP upon Gypsy Moth Larvae
長澤 純夫 神崎 務 永津 明敏
PP. 34 - 39
Seasonal Variation in Measles
長澤 純夫 神崎 務
PP. 40 - 47
A Study of the Essence of Landscape Gardening
山科 健二
PP. 48 - 54
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sambe Forest of Shimane University(III) : Decomposition Rate of A_0 Horizon and Some Experiments of Leaf Decomposition by Litter-bag Method
石井 弘 片桐 成夫 三宅 登 周藤 成次
PP. 55 - 59
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(IV) : Concentration of Nutrient Elements of Trees
PP. 60 - 72
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(V) : Rain Fall and Its Nutrients in a Forest
片桐 成夫 石井 弘 三宅 登 星野 芳寿 目崎 修康
PP. 73 - 80
Basic Research on the Application of Urban Sewage to the Agriculture at the Reclaimed Lands of Nakanoumi Area(I) : Change in Soil Components under No Artificial Irrigation
松井 佳久 帯刀 奈津子 寺田 俊郎 吉野 蕃人 福田 晟
PP. 81 - 86
Some Considerations on the Depth-Area-Duration Analysis of Storm Precipitation over the Hi River Basin (Second Report)
田中 礼次郎
PP. 87 - 91
Density Currents in the Concave Basement That Stores the Backward Flow of Salt Water of Freshening Reservior
PP. 92 - 96
F.E.M. Temperature Analysis about Pipe-cooling Effect within a Mass Concrete Structure
PP. 97 - 101
PP. 102 - 110