内藤 隆次
山村 宏
三賀森 智信
.7 巻
Effectiveness of NAA Spray in Thinning of Kaki 'Saijo' Fruits as Related to Application Time, Concentration and Other Factors
PP. 1 - 8
Effect of Ethylene on the Lesion Formation of Potato Late Blight
山本 昌木
野津 建一
杉本 義則
野津 幹雄
PP. 9 - 13
PP. 14 - 22
Leaching of Antifungal Substance onto the Leaves and Total Number of Microorganisms on the Leaves of Several Plants Containing Antifungal Substance
江川 宏
達山 和紀
赤井 重恭
洪 春洋
麓 次郎
木幡 欣一
PP. 23 - 30
PP. 31 - 33
PP. 34 - 48
0n the Behaviours and Rates of Energy Expenditure in Suckling Calves Grazed on the Mountain Range Neighbouring the Farm-house
加藤 正信
春本 直
加藤 啓介
PP. 49 - 54
PP. 55 - 59
Studies on the Habitat Segregation of Pinus densiflora and P. Thunbergii(3) : On the Differences in Their Shade Tolerance
沖村 義人
PP. 60 - 63
Studies on the Log Price of Ate(Thujopsis dolabrata Sieb. et Zucc)and Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don) at Noto District
藤江 勲
PP. 64 - 68
0n the Sound Absorbing Coefficient and Transmission Loss of Wood-base Materials
高橋 徹
田中 千秋
池上 優一
瀬沼 勲
岩重 博文
PP. 69 - 79
Studies on the Improvement of Wooden Materials(XI) : Effects of Some Plasticizers on the Bending Behavior of Wood-Plastic Combination
往西 弘次
城代 進
後藤 輝男
PP. 80 - 85
PP. 86 - 101
PP. 102 - 109
PP. 110 - 122
Studies on the Chloroplast Development in Radish Cotyledons(3) : Effect of 4-thiouridine on the Development of Photosystem I and II in the Early Stage of Greening
柴田 均
落合 英夫
PP. 123 - 128
Studies on the Chloroplast Development in Radish Cotyledons(4) : on Malate Dehydrogenases
PP. 129 - 134
Studies on the Improvement Effect of Waste Liquor from Pulp Mills for the Soils(I) : The Vegetation Experiments by Soy Beans and Corns
小柴 尚博
PP. 135 - 139
PP. 140 - 145
On the Water-Surface Temperature of Lake Nakanoumi and the Air Temperature of Its Shore Area (A Preliminary Report) : Climatologic Studies on a Large-Scale Lake Bottom Reclamation
小林 哲夫
PP. 146 - 150
Studies on the Characteristics of Sprinkler Distribution Patterns : On the Middle Pressure Type Sprinkler
太田 頼敏
PP. 151 - 157
Studies on the Some Properties of Detachment of Processing Tomato under Vibration
岩尾 俊男
田辺 一
PP. 158 - 163
PP. 164 - 170