
.22 巻
Mut Rush Cultivation in Matsue
今木 正 村尾 芳和 福田 光芳 高野 郁生
PP. 1 - 8
Relation between the Natural Fall of Calyptra and the Set of Seeded Berries in 'Kyoho' and 'Pione' Grapes
内藤 隆次 山村 宏 安部 紀代子
PP. 9 - 15
Flower Bud Differentiation and Development of Tree Peony
細木 高志 浜田 守彦 稲葉 久仁雄
PP. 16 - 21
Effect of Parotid Salivary Deficiency on Eating and Ruminating Behaviour in Sheep
春本 直 木村 忍 松井 徹
PP. 22 - 25
The Effect of Water Intake on the Nitrogen Utilization in Sheep Fed Only Grass Diets in Either the Fresh or Dried Form
PP. 26 - 36
Studies on the Flower Production of Bulbous Plants under Computer Controlled System(7) : Effects of the Amount of Applied Organic Fertilizer and Plant Density on the Dry Matter Production and the Quality of Cut Flower of Semi-forced Lilies
青木 宣明 吉野 蕃人
PP. 37 - 42
Nutrient Concentration of Understory Species of Deciduous Broad-leaved Forests at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University
片桐 成夫 金子 信博 三宅 登
PP. 43 - 50
Effects of Temperature on the Adult Emergence Process of the Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE (COLEOPTERA : CERAMBYCIDAE)
金子 信博 福井 修二 片桐 成夫 三宅 登
PP. 51 - 55
Maturing Process of the Forest Working in Producing Center at Maniwa
PP. 56 - 63
The Current State of the Joint Log Selling Project of the Prefectural Federation of Forest Cooperatives in the Concentrated Lumber Industry District : The Features and Roles Katsuyama Log Auction Market from the Point of its Distributional Structure
PP. 64 - 72
Development of Forest Cooperative Project and Its Role in the Region : A Case of Maniwa Forest Cooperative in Okayama Prefecture
PP. 73 - 84
Effects of Photosynthetic Bacteria Feeding on the Components of Hen's Eggs
平山 修 石垣 勝俊
PP. 85 - 88
Imported Food is contributing to Eutrophication of Lakes Nakanoumi and Shinji
若月 利之
PP. 89 - 94
A Method of Runoff Analysis by a Runoff Model combined Kinematic Wave Runoff Model with Long and Short Terms Runoff Model
福島 晟 田中 礼次郎
PP. 95 - 105
Change of Soil Structure in Drained Area by Grass Culture : Study Case in YASUGI Resion
福桜 盛一 今尾 昭夫
PP. 106 - 114
The Mechanical Properties and Process of Drying of the Reclaimed Clay of Hikona Area in Nakaumi Reclamation
鳥山 晄司
PP. 115 - 120
Comparison between State Theory Method and Rate of Flow Method for Creep Thermal Stress Analysis
PP. 121 - 125
Thermal Stress Analysis within Mass-Concrete Structure with Personal Computer
PP. 126 - 131
Design and Analysis of Raising Concrete Gravity Dam
藤居 良夫
PP. 132 - 142
The Performance of Water-Air Ejecters with Multi-Orifice Nozzules in Aquaculture
岩尾 俊男 竹山 光一 伊藤 憲弘
PP. 143 - 148
Studies on the Under Ground Heating in Greenhouse : Measuring of Thermal Conductivity of Soil by the Non-Steady State Method
岩尾 俊男
PP. 149 - 153
Studies on the Flow Control System in Tilting Open Channel Flume by Personal Computer(II) : The Control Function with Small Discharge and Simulation of Water Height Control in Hydraulic Transient Flow
PP. 154 - 160
Factors Affecting Conidium Germination of Septoria obesa, Casual Fungus of Brown Spot of Cultivated Chrysanthemum
本田 雄一 宮脇 隆
PP. 161 - 175
Studies on Host-Selective Infection Mechanism of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara(1) : Usefulness of Rice cv. Sekiguchi-asahi as a Test Plant for Detection of Disease Determinant(s)
荒瀬 榮 加納 幹生 近藤 一美 野津 幹雄 田中 恵美子 西村 正暘
PP. 176 - 183
Lists of the Faculty Member's Publications Faculty of Agriculture,(September 1987~August 1988)
PP. 185 - 208