
.1 巻
水野 敏雄
PP. 0 - 0
Studies on the Tomatoes for Processing : Some Factors Influenced on the Color of Fruits for Raw Material Use (1)
寺田 俊郎 高橋 亮正
PP. 25 - 32
梶田 茂
PP. 0 - 0
Side slip angle of the driving pneumatic tire
田辺 一 中尾 清治
PP. 167 - 174
Reactivity of the Functional groups in the Solid Organic Acids and the Alkali-lignins traced by the Infrared Spectrographic Method
福渡 七郎
PP. 125 - 134
Effect of Grain Angle (Longitudinal Direction) to Strain Distribution on Wooden Beam in Bending
高橋 徹 藤田 晋輔 桜井 敏夫
PP. 95 - 99
Studies on the Effects of Soil Temperature upon the Dry Matter Production in Rice Plant(II) : Photosynthetic Charact ristics
今木 正
PP. 12 - 15
A Study of several forms in group-cultivation of rice and its growth direction
竹浪 重雄 池田 大英
PP. 183 - 204
Studies on the Utilization of Citrus Natsudaidai(Part 3) : Effect of Surface Active Agent on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Naringin
長坂 啓助 原 奈美子
PP. 139 - 144
Studies on the Wood Gluing(IV) : On the Durability of PVA-modified Urea Resin Adhesive
後藤 輝男 作野 友康
PP. 121 - 124
Studies on the Productive Structure of ”Shirakashi” (Cyclobalanopsis Myrsinaefolia Oerst.) Coppice-Forest Managed by Selection Method(6) : On the Growth in Two Circulation-Periods at the SHIMOYAMASA No.I Permanent Plot
安井 鈞 内田 盛之
PP. 71 - 82
Studies on the Distribution of Micro-fungi in Pine Forest Soil(3) : Distribution in Organic Horizon
石井 弘
PP. 60 - 70
Rheological Properties of Tropical Wood(I) : Shrinkage of Tropical Wood in Kiln Drying
藤田 晋輔 高橋 徹
PP. 116 - 120
Studies on the Improvement of Wooden Materials(I) : On the Improvement of Bamboo Properties with Heat-Catalyst Polymerization
後藤 輝男 往西 弘次
PP. 110 - 115
Labor Exodus and Agricultural Structure
渡部 晴基
PP. 205 - 216
Dynamic Response of Tar Mixture
藤居 宏一
PP. 162 - 166
Studies on Some Characteristics of the Runoff in the Lake Side(III)
福間 順 田中 礼次郎 白滝 山ニ 末沢 慶康
PP. 145 - 152
Studies on the Wood Gluing(III) : On the Gluing of Wood and Aluminium Plate
後藤 輝男 作野 友康
PP. 104 - 109
On the Drying Properties of Tropical Woods
藤田 晋輔 高橋 徹 桜井 敏夫
PP. 83 - 86
Studies on the Effects of Soil Temperature upon the Dry Matter Production in Rice Plant(I) : Aspect of Dry Matter Production at Growing Stage
今木 正
PP. 8 - 11
Meteorological Observation in Zinzai Sandy Dune Farm
吉野 蕃人 石飛 秀敏 沢田 謙 足立 美友
PP. 248 - 254
On the Mechanical Vibration of Band-saw Sharpener(1)
桜井 敏夫 高橋 徹 藤田 晋輔 伊藤 邦昭
PP. 87 - 94
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-9) : Changes in Grazing Behaviors of Japanese Black Breed Cows Grazed on Native Grassland in Spring
春本 直 加藤 正信 加藤 啓介
PP. 43 - 48
Observations on the Petiole-Midribs of Potato Leaves by Means of Electron-Microscope(1)
山本 昌木
PP. 33 - 37
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-15) : Energy Expenditure of Japanese Black Breed Cows in Barn and on the Spring Range
加藤 正信 春本 直 加藤 啓介
PP. 49 - 54
The Studies on the Copper-Poisoned Soils(Part 1) : On the Copper Contents of the Soils and Water of the Rivers near the Copper Mine
小柴 尚博 佐野 豊
PP. 135 - 138
Effect of Different Temperature of Treatment and Various Water Content of Seeds on Treatment of Ethylene-imine of Some Cereals
安達 一明
PP. 1 - 7
A Study on Marketing and Retail Price of the Vegetables
猪股 趣
PP. 238 - 247
Fine Structure of Nodule Cell of Vicia faba L.
野津 幹雄
PP. 38 - 42
Pig Marketing in South Kyushu
佐原 甲吉
PP. 217 - 237
Influence of Shading on Fruit Maturation and Coloration of Fruit Skin in Kaki
高馬 進
PP. 16 - 24
Screening Character of the Oscillating Screen(1) : Flowing Velocity and Screening Rate of Grains on the Screen under Reciprocating Motion
岩尾 俊男 田辺 一 中尾 清治
PP. 175 - 182
On the Stress Analysis of Steel-lined Concrete Cylinders under Internal Pressure
白滝 山ニ
PP. 153 - 161
Tensile Creep of Wood during Drying
藤田 晋輔 高橋 徹
PP. 100 - 103
Standing crop of Sasa Veitchii f tyvgokensis in the Shimane University Forest of Sambe
石井 弘 遠山 富太郎
PP. 55 - 59