
.10 巻
Effects of the Prebloom Application of GA Combined with BA and Urea on the Set and Growth of Seedless Berries of Delaware Grape(II) : Influence of Urea Concentration
内藤 隆次 森山 衆二
PP. 1 - 4
Studies on the Flower Production of Bulbous Plants under Computer Control System(1) : The Application of Computer Control System to Early Forcing of of Iris cv. 'Ideal'
吉野 蕃人 青木 宣明 澤田 謙 井上 威久雄
PP. 5 - 8
Studies on the Flower Production of Bulbous Plants under Computer Control System(2) : The Effect of Small Difference in Temperature on the Growth and Flowering of Tulip cv. 'Cassini' under Computer Control System
青木 宣明 吉野 蕃人 澤田 謙 井上 威久雄
PP. 9 - 13
On the Grazing Behaviour of Hereford Nursing Cows on the Pasture
加藤 正信 春本 直
PP. 14 - 20
Effect of Fasting on Rumination Behaviour in Sheep
春本 直 加藤 正信
PP. 21 - 26
The Fasting Metabolism of Adult Goats
藤原 勉 古橋 忠和
PP. 27 - 33
Some Physiological Aspects in Liduid-Fed Young Goats
PP. 34 - 38
Use of Insect Pollinators in Kaki "Sijo" Orchard Pollinating Ability of Eristalis cerealis Fabricious
植田 尚文 野津 康嗣 三浦 正
PP. 39 - 42
Studies on Natural Enemies of Leafhoppers(I) : Parasitism of Gonatocerus sp. (Hymenoptera : Mymaridae), an Egg Parasite of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cinticeps Uhler in the Paddy Field
三浦 正
PP. 43 - 48
Studies on Natural Enemies of Leafhoppers(2) : Parasitic Activity of Paracentrobia andoi (Ishii) and Gonatocerus sp. (Hymenoptera : Mymaridae), Two Egg Parasites of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Ulher in the Paddy Field
三浦 正
PP. 49 - 55
Feeding Suppression and Its Disappearance in Larvae of the Gypsy Moth, Porthetria dispar (L.), by Bacillus thuringinesis Berliner
長澤 純夫 浅野 昌司
PP. 56 - 59
Presumption of Dosage-Response Curve obtained by the Treatment of Chemosterilant for Both Sexes of the Mexican Bean Weevil, Zabrotes subfaciatus Boheman(Coleoptera, Bruchidae)
長澤 純夫
PP. 60 - 65
Periodic Regression Analysis of the Monthly Mean Temperatures in Matsue and Hamamatsu, Japan
長澤 純夫
PP. 66 - 73
Electron-Microscopical Studies on the Hypertrophied Tissues of Brassica cerma Infected with Albugo macrospora
野津 幹雄 石原 義光
PP. 74 - 79
Occurrence of Resistant Reaction by Exogenous DNA Fraction on Potato Leaves Infected with Phytophthora infestans
野津 幹雄 山本 昌木 今野 清隆
PP. 80 - 85
Sorption of Heavy Metals in Polluted Soil by Forest Product Wastes : Sortion by Wood Flour, Bark and Paper Mill Waste
達山 和紀 江川 宏 虎谷 恭明 後藤 輝男 城代 進 往西 弘次
PP. 86 - 92
Studies on the Selection Forest of Ate(Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. Et ZUCC. Var. hondai MAKINO)(7) : On the Growth in First Circulation-Period at the Permanent Plots of Ate Selection Forest(1)
安井 鈞 藤江 勲
PP. 93 - 97
Studies on the Log Price of Ate (Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. Et ZUCC.) and Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) in Noto District(2) : On the Log Price of Wajima Timber Market
藤江 勲
PP. 98 - 104
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sambe Forest of Shimane University(I) : Vegetation ans outline of studied area
片桐 成夫 石井 弘 三宅 登 西垣 真太郎
PP. 105 - 111
Studies on mineral cycling in a deciduous broad-leaved forest at Sambe Forest of Shimane University(II) : Amounts of litter fall in parmanent experimental sites
石井 弘 片桐 成夫 三宅 登 矢内 勝美
PP. 112 - 117
Field Study of Tapping Noise of Various Floors in Multifamily Dwellings
高橋 徹 田中 千秋 浜野 義昭
PP. 118 - 124
Studies on the Improvement of Wooden Materials(XVII) : Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in Ozone-Treated Wood
往西 弘次 城代 進 後藤 輝男 高浜 典令
PP. 125 - 129
On the Slime Substance of Coliforms(I)
田中 朗 西躰 雄二郎 松本 宗人
PP. 130 - 134
Some Considerations on the Depth-Area-Duration Analysis of Storm Precipitation over the Hi River Basin
田中 礼次郎
PP. 135 - 140
Studies on the Sprinkler System applying Agricultural Medicines in a Pear Orchard
太田 頼敏
PP. 141 - 145
Contemporary Meaning on the "Common Pasturing" of Japanese Cattle
斎藤 政夫
PP. 146 - 159
The Actual State and Logics of the Development of Diversified Farming : A Case Study in Shiwa Community in Iwate Prefecture
PP. 160 - 172
For the Revaluation of the Theories on Productive-Powers in Agriculture before the End of World War II
鈴木 敏正
PP. 173 - 181