
.25 巻
Relationships between spikelet number and dry matter production or leaf area before heading in rice plant (Oryza sativa L.)
小葉田 亨 野津 孝徳
PP. 1 - 4
Fruit Quality in 'Saijo' and 'Hiratanenashi' Japanese Persimmons
板村 裕之 内藤 隆次 山門 努 中山 浩
PP. 5 - 10
Flower Anthocyanins of Herbaceous Peony
細木 高志 瀬尾 光広
PP. 11 - 14
Changes on the amount of nutrients returned by litterfall in a sprouting secondary forest
片桐 成夫 金子 信博 長山 泰秀 栗原 紀美子
PP. 15 - 22
Analysis of the Height-Number Curve for Even-Aged Stands
稲田 充男
PP. 23 - 26
Light and Temperature Dependent Conidium and Sclerotium Formation in Botrytis spp.
本田 雄一 水村 洋介
PP. 27 - 35
Factors in the Decline of Wagyu Breeding Operation in Chugoku Mountinous Region
榎 勇
PP. 37 - 45
A Study on the Actual Conditions and Problems on Fishery Production of Depopulated and Aging Society in Solitary Island : A Case of Chibu Village of Oki District
PP. 47 - 54
An Analysis on Choice of Types of Community Farming Organization
PP. 55 - 60
Land Classification by Marginal Agricultural Income
PP. 61 - 66
Fundamental Studies on Solid Manure Injector(III) : Injection Control System by Photoelectricc Sensor
中尾 清治 藤浦 建史
PP. 67 - 70
Studies on the System Control of Hydroculture(I) : Flow Charcteristics of diluted Manure in the Culture Beds
岩尾 俊男 房 薇 澁澤 栄 藤浦 建史 竹山 光一 林 圭[ワン]
PP. 71 - 74
Studies on Nondestructive Quality Sorting of Agricultural Products(II) : Spectral Reflectance for Pear and Apple Defects
岩尾 俊男 李 暁明 澁澤 栄 藤浦 建史 竹山 光一 毛利 建太郎
PP. 75 - 80
A Study on Regional Potential of Rainwater Cistern Systems(I) : Basic Analysis of Daily Precipitation Data and Simulation of Cistern Store
竹山 光一 南 勲 岩尾 俊男 澁澤 栄 林 圭[ワン]
PP. 81 - 88
Modeling of Natural Hilly Watershed and Hydro-Geomorphological Characteristics
PP. 89 - 98
Pollution Loading Outflows from an Agricultural Basin(I) : Characteristics of Concentrations and Loadings
PP. 99 - 102
Pollution Loading Outflows from an Agricultural Basin(II) : A Statistical Analysis in the Concentrations
PP. 103 - 106
Permeability of Compacted Tuff
鳥山 晄司
PP. 107 - 112
Shearing Properties of Compacted Tuff
鳥山 晄司
PP. 113 - 118
Crack Propagation Analysis of Concrete by means of Fracture Mechanics
藤居 良夫
PP. 119 - 122
Dimensional Stability of Styrene-WPC Made from Corona-pretreated Wood
古野 毅 上原 徹 城代 進
PP. 123 - 129
The Research Study of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Chinese Kiri Woods (Paulownia spp.) and Its Use(Part I)
董 玉庫 趙 春瑞 魏 亜玲 中尾 哲也 田中 千秋 高橋 徹
PP. 131 - 136
The Research Study of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Chinese Kiri Woods (Paulownia spp.) and Its Use(Part II)
高橋 徹 董 玉庫 趙 春瑞 魏 亜玲 中尾 哲也 田中 千秋
PP. 137 - 142
The Interactions between the Dominant Species of Phytoplankton in Lake Nakanoumi
持田 和男 中村 利家 中島 修 近藤 邦男
PP. 143 - 147
Effects of Chilling Period on the Growth and Cut-Flower Quality of Forced Herbaceous Peony
PP. 149 - 154
Studies on Maturing of Artificial Compost Effects of the limo nitrogen additive on maturing of artificial compost of matured oats (Avena sativa L.) soilage
宇津田 嘉弘 金塚 宏 山根 研一
PP. 155 - 159
Acylation of Hinoki Wood by Maleic Anhydride and the Dynamic Properties
西野 吉彦 中尾 哲也 田中 千秋 高橋 徹
PP. 161 - 164
The diameter class distribution of torn woody plant roots under forest road construction : a case of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa
新村 義昭 川上 誠一
PP. 165 - 169
Lists of the Faculty Member's Publications Faculty of Agriculture,(September 1990~August 1991)
PP. 171 - 206(204 白紙P)