
.5 巻
Effect of 4-Thiouridine on Chloroplast Development in Radish Cotyledons(2) : Photo-reductive Activity and Fine-structure of Chloroplasts
柴田 均 落合 英夫 河野 泰久
PP. 1 - 9
Karyological Studies on the Garden Hyacinthus(III)
吉田 正温
PP. 10 - 17
Microbodies in Potatoes
山本 昌木 野津 幹雄
PP. 18 - 22
Ultra-structure of Rust tissue of Plantago major L. Caused by Puccinia miscanthi MlURA
野津 幹雄 山本 昌木
PP. 23 - 27
Field Studies on the Control of Ticks with Insecticides(3)
近木 英哉 宇津田 嘉弘
PP. 28 - 30
A Study on the Structure of Timber Market in Tenryu
北川 泉
PP. 31 - 39
Studies on the Selection Forest of Ate(Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. Et ZUCC. Var. hondai MAKINO)(4) : Stumpage Value and Marginal Revenue of Maate (c. v. of Ate) Selection Forest
成田 恒美 安井 鈞
PP. 40 - 48
Studies on the Productive Structure of "Shirakashi" (Cyclobalanopsis Myrstnaefolia OERST.) Coppice-Forest Managed by Selection Method(8) : On the Growth and the Biomass at the Shirakashi Sprout Forest by Clearing System
安井 鈞 藤江 勲
PP. 49 - 55
Studies on the habitat segregation of Pinus densiflora and P. Thunbergii(2) : On the drought resistance of their needles
沖村 義人
PP. 56 - 60
Studies on the Wood Gluing(VIII) : The Effects of Wood Extractives on the Gelation Time of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Adhesive
往西 弘次 後藤 輝男
PP. 61 - 65
Studies on the Wood Gluing(IX) : Influence of Surface Aging Prior to Gluing on Wettability and Gluability of Wood(part 1)
作野 友康 後藤 輝男 勝部 理市
PP. 66 - 70
A Study on the Accuracy of Runoff Analysis for Pumping Drainage in Paddy Field Area
田中 礼次郎
PP. 71 - 75
Parametric Model of Runoff in Low-lying Agricultural Lands
PP. 76 - 85
Geometric Surface of Soil Particles(1) : Problems in the Application of Air-Permeability Method
小林 哲夫
PP. 86 - 89
Secondary Consolidation of Compacted Partly Saturated Soils(IV) : The Influence of the Thickness of Specimens and the Duration of Consolidation on the Behaviour of Consolidation
鳥山 晄司
PP. 90 - 94
Noise and Vibration of the Ground and Structures Excited by External Forces(I) : On the Public Nuisance Caused by the Earth Auger Method
桜井 敏夫 田中 千秋 野坂 弥蔵 林 隆一
PP. 95 - 100
Noise and Vibration of the Ground and Structures Excited by External Forces(II) : On the Relation between N-value of Soils and the Ground Vibration
桜井 敏夫 田中 千秋 野坂 弥蔵 林 隆一
PP. 101 - 105
Correlation between Aggregate Grading and Properties of Concrete
藤居 宏一
PP. 106 - 111
Influence of the Inflation Pressure on the Side Slipping Trailer Tire
中尾 清治 田辺 一
PP. 112 - 117
Studies on the Ranged Phase of Motion of Grains and the Rate of Screening under the Reciprocating Elliptical and Circular Motion
岩尾 俊男 田辺 一
PP. 118 - 124