
.20 巻
Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation after Veraison on Coloration of 'Kyoho' Grapes
内藤 隆次 山村 宏 村田 清美
PP. 1 - 7
Improvement of the Method for Removing Astringency in 'Saijo' Persimmon
山村 宏 内藤 隆次
PP. 8 - 12
Effects of Additional Fertilizer and Harvesting Time on the Production and Nutritive Value in Dual Purpose Sorghum
春本 直 宇津田 嘉弘 松井 徹
PP. 13 - 18
Studies on the Selection Forest of Ate(Thujopsis dalabrata SIEB. Et ZUCC. Var. hondai MAKINO)(9) : On the Stand Structure and Growth in First Circulation-Period at the Kohtokuji Permenent Plots of Ate Selection Forest
安井 鈞 藤江 勲
PP. 19 - 30
Lognormal distribution and its applications(2) : Adapting 2-parameter lognormal distribution to diameter and height distributions
稲田 充男 安井 鈞 藤江 勲
PP. 31 - 35
Lognormal distribution and its applications(3) : Multiplicative reproductive properties and allometry
稲田 充男
PP. 36 - 41
Lognormal distribution and its applications(4) : Application of mixed lognormal distribution to diameter distributions of selection forest
稲田 充男 安井 鈞 藤江 勲
PP. 42 - 46
Height curve derived from the theory of column buckling(2) : Derivation of volume equation and its applicability
稲田 充男
PP. 47 - 51
Analysis of Growth Curve(4) : Gompertz Growth Equation and its Applications
稲田 充男
PP. 52 - 58
Studies on the Mineral Cycling in a Clear-cutting Area(I) : Changes of the Amount of Nutrient Elements of Above Ground Biomass for Two Years after Cutting
PP. 59 - 66
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(XIII) : The Concentration and Amount of Nutrient Elements in Dominant Trees
片桐 成夫 三宅 登 坂越 浩一
PP. 67 - 74
Variation and Heredity of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. Naturally Regenerating in Mt. Sanbe(3) : On the relation between the difference of the characters of branches and leaves and the property of snow-crown
三宅 登 片桐 成夫
PP. 75 - 79
The Method for Measuring the Stem Straightness of Standing Trees of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don
藤江 勲
PP. 80 - 84
Cutting performance of Cermet, Ceramic, CBN, and Artificial Diamond Tools(2) : Wea from interrupted cutting of wood-based materials
田中 千秋 中尾 哲也 高橋 徹
PP. 85 - 89
Effect of moisture content of wood on corona treatment
上原 徹 谷川 充 後藤 輝男
PP. 90 - 95
Problems of Modernization Line on Agroforestry Policy
北川 泉
PP. 96 - 101
Biosynthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides in Chlorplasts
柴田 均 落合 英夫
PP. 102 - 106
Nutrient Management and Nutrient Absorption in the Hydroponic Culture of Tomatos : Numerical Analysis with the Logistic Equation
松井 佳久 梶岡 律子 野上 昌宏 水嶋 修 猪原 泰 引野 千嘉志
PP. 107 - 114
A Study of Base Flow Characteristics Based on Storage Model for Analyzing Flood and Long Term Runoff
福島 晟 田中 礼次郎
PP. 115 - 126
Shearing Properties of Clays in Landslieds
鳥山 晄司
PP. 127 - 134
A Study on the Determination of a Tensile Creep by the Rate of Flow Method
PP. 135 - 138
Finite Exponential Series Approximation of Data Curve
藤居 良夫
PP. 139 - 145
On the Dimension of Tractor on the Slope Field(4) : The Side Slip Angle on the Different Running Surface
田辺 一
PP. 146 - 151
Fundamental Tests for Development of Solid Manure Injector(2) : Performance of Injection Device by Bark Manure
中尾 清治
PP. 152 - 156
Influences of Cadmium on soil Nitrification ; Relation between Nitrification Rate and the Population of Nitrifying Autotrophs in Cd Contaminated Soil
山本 廣基 達山 和紀 松本 武義
PP. 157 - 160
Scanning electron microscopy of the perfect stage of Pyricularia sp. From Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn
野津 幹雄 荒瀬 榮 塚本 俊秀 山口 清 糸井 節美
PP. 161 - 169
Effect of Preinfectional Treatment of Homogenates from Rice Leaves on Resistance of Rice Plants to Several Pyricularia spp
荒瀬 榮 高津 佳史
PP. 170 - 175
Selected Insects in Pine Forests Infested by the Pine Gall Midge in Korea
三浦 正 矢野 宏ニ 前田 泰生 李 範英
PP. 176 - 190
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(4) : Longevity, Oviposition and Host-Feeding of Adult Female of Haplogonatopus atratus Esaki et Hashimoto (Hymenoptera : Drynidae)
PP. 191 - 195
A New Method for the Determination of Thiaminase Activity by the Use of Quinothiamine and L-Cysteine Ethylester as Substrates
持田 和男 尾添 嘉久 中村 利家 長尾 敏夫 鈴木 喜六
PP. 196 - 201