
.21 巻
The Efficiency for Solar Energy Conversion in Rice Population estimsted from Crop Photosynthesis and Respiration under Field Conditions(I) : The Ratio of Respiration to Photosynthesis during the Ripening Stage
今木 正 石塚 仁 早川 純二
PP. 1 - 9
Studies on the Necrosis in Grapevine Beds(III) : The Time of the Occurrence of Bud Necrosis in 'Kyoho' and the Relation between its Occurrence and the Amounts of Nutritional Elements in Buds
内藤 隆次 山村 宏 棟居 信一
PP. 10 - 17
Occurrence of Black Stain on Fruit Skin (Black Spots) in Relation to Ascorbic Acid Contents in Pericarp Tissues of Japanese Persimmons
山村 宏 山根 登
PP. 18 - 22
Grazing Behaviour and Heart Rate of Japanese Black Cows Grazed on Pastures Differed in Herbage Conditions
春本 直 小笠原 慎一 松井 徹
PP. 23 - 27
Effect of Estrogen on Decalcified Bone Matrix-induced Endochondral Bone Formation in Rats
松井 徹
PP. 28 - 33
Lognormal Distribution and its Applications(5) : Application of Mixed Lognormal Distribution to Height Distributions of Selection Forest
稲田 充男
PP. 34 - 38
Distribution and Stand Structure of Natural Japanese Red-Pine (Pinus densiflora S.et Z.) in Sanbe Forest of Shimane University
片桐 成夫 三宅 登 藤原 芳樹
PP. 39 - 45
On the Evaluation of the Internal Friction of Antisotropic, Viscoelastic Bars in Warping Torsion Theory
PP. 46 - 50
Effect of Corona Treatment on Gluability of Japanese Pine
上原 徹 谷川 充 城代 進
PP. 51 - 55
Consumption Function and Saving Function of Farm Households and Workers' Households : A Survey from High Economic Growth Period to Low Economic Growth Period
平塚 貴彦
PP. 56 - 64
A Study on the Movement of Agricultural Land for Cultivation in Japan : Stress on Analysis of the Actual Conditions
平塚 貴彦
PP. 65 - 77
An Estimation Method of Effective Rainfall to Component of Direct Runoff and Curve of Base Flow Height
福島 晟 田中 礼次郎
PP. 78 - 87
Shearing Properties of Compacted Soils with Discontinuous Plane
鳥山 晄司
PP. 88 - 95
Tensile Creep Properties of Concretes from the Viewpoint of Thermal Crack Protection
PP. 96 - 101
On Material Parameters in the Incremental Version of Endochronic Theory for Concrete
藤居 良夫
PP. 102 - 110
Study on the Down Wash of Helicopter Rotor : Drift of Sprayed Particle of Chemicals
田辺 一
PP. 111 - 116
On the Dimension of the Tractor on the Slope Field(5) : Verification of the side slip theory by two kind of lug pattern of tire
田辺 一 梶原 正勝
PP. 117 - 121
Studies on a Burner used Biomass Pellets as Fuel : Performance of a Spiral Vortex Pellet Burner
岩尾 俊男
PP. 122 - 128
Studies on the Under Ground Heating in Greenhouse Measuring of Thermal Conductivity of Soil
岩尾 俊男 竹山 光一
PP. 129 - 133
The Performance of Dissolved Oxygen Supplying Nozzle
岩尾 俊男 竹山 光一 北守 千兼 伊藤 憲弘
PP. 134 - 140
An Ultrastructural Study of Photo-induced Conidiogenesis and Dedifferentiation in Alternaria solani
本田 雄一 曽田 邦裕 野津 幹雄
PP. 141 - 154
Seasonal Changes in Percentage Parasitism of the Prasitoids of Leaf- and Planthoppers in Shimane Pref.(Homoptera : Auchenorrhyncha)
PP. 155 - 170
A Monitor-Trap Survey of Parasitoids of the Leaf-and Planthoppers supposedly migrated from the Mainland China (Homoptera : Auchenorrhyncha)
北村 憲二 西方 陽介
PP. 171 - 177
The Enzymological Properties of Immobilized Thiaminase I Prepared by Means of Multi-Immobilization Method
持田 和男 尾添 嘉久 中村 利家 横内 孝行
PP. 178 - 187
Isolation of a Bacterium Inhibiting the Growth of Microalgae and Characterization of the Produced Inhibitors
持田 和男 尾添 嘉久 中村 利家 松田 俊一 山口 典生
PP. 188 - 193
Lists of the Faculty Member's Publications Faculty of Agriculture,(September 1986~August 1987)
PP. 197 - 213