今木 正
安達 一明
.15 巻
On Anomalous Segregation of Culm Length and Heading Time Observed in the Rice Variety "Nihonbare"(I) : Progeny Tests of Variants Found in the Breeder's Stock Farm of Shimane Agricultural Experiment Station
PP. 1 - 6
Studies on the Cold Wind Injury of Tea Plants(I) : Effects of the Different Environmental Factors on Water Absorption and Stomatal Aperture
福田 晟
PP. 7 - 11
Promotion of Early Fruiting in "Saijo" Japanese Persimmon(I) : Effects of Girdling, Bark Inversion and SADH Spray on Vegetative Growth, Flowering and Yield
内藤 隆次
植田 尚文
山村 宏
PP. 12 - 21
Simptoms and Cause of Black Spots in the Fruit Skin of "Saijo" Japanese Persimmon
山村 宏
福原 保弘
内藤 隆次
PP. 22 - 30
The Eating and Rumination Behaviour in Sheep Fed only Herbage Diet in the Fresh Form
PP. 31 - 36
Effect of Supplying Electrolytic Alkali Water on Various Blood Composition of Race Horse
宇津田 嘉弘
PP. 37 - 41
Relation between "Gentan Probability" and "Diameter Growth"(1) : Derivation of new "Gentan Probability" Models
山本 充男
PP. 42 - 46
Analysis of Crown Snow-damaged Sugi Stand (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) by Unusual Snowfall in January, 1978(II) : Successive Breaking of Trees in the Row Planting Stand
PP. 47 - 50
Studies on Mineral Cycling in a Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University(IX) : Amounts and Sizes of Big Branch Litter
PP. 51 - 55
Lipolytic Enzyme Treatment of chloroplasts and Characterization of Lipid-Depleted Chloroplasts
平山 修
野元堀 隆
森田 耕吉
奥田 敏彦
市原 実
PP. 56 - 60
Study on Record Flood Peaks of Smaller Rivers in Setouti Region(III)
田中 礼次郎
福島 晟
PP. 61 - 66
PP. 67 - 74
Study on the Unsteady Flow in Open Channels under Gates Operation : Transients in Series Channel with Automatic Gate and some Effects of its Control-Elements
PP. 75 - 81
On Controlling Soil Erosion with Protective Cover on the Soil-Surface of Farmland : Studies on Soil Eroion of Sloped Farmland(III)
今尾 昭夫
PP. 82 - 85
On the Condition of Triaxial Tests for the Stability Analysis of an Embankment
鳥山 晄司
PP. 86 - 93
PP. 94 - 100
Concentration of PCP Inhibiting the Development of Roots at the Early Growth Stage of Rice and the Difference of Susceptibilities in Varieties
長澤 純夫
近藤 雅彦
糟谷 真宏
PP. 101 - 108
Sequential Change of Susceptibility of the Tobacco Cutworm to the Juvenile Hormone Like Activity of Methoprene
長澤 純夫
後北 峰之
楠 伸治
近藤 雅彦
山下 泰基
PP. 109 - 114
Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis to Larvae of the Gypsy Moth : Fitting a Mathematical Model Proposed by Patwary and Haley
長澤 純夫
斎藤 修
PP. 115 - 119
Synergistic Toxicity to Musa domestica L. of Mixtures of Resmethrin and Piperonyl Butoxide : Fitting a Mathematical Model Proposed by Hewlett
長澤 純夫
渋谷 重夫
PP. 120 - 124
The Behavior of Air-Sprayed Fenitrothion with a Helicopter
PP. 125 - 130
Purification and Enzymological Properties of the Bacterial Thiaminase I Produced by a Stain Isolated from Soil
PP. 131 - 137