北川 泉
.23 巻
PP. 0 -
Studies on the Necrosis in Grapevine buds(IV) : Relation between the Occurrence of Bud Necrosis and the Shoot Emerging from Lateral Buds on Fruiting Canes in 9 Japanese Leading Cultivars
内藤 隆次
植田 尚文
棟居 信一
PP. 1 - 6
Effects of GA on Cellulase Activity in Fruit Skin Tissue of 'Delaware' Grapes
山村 宏
斎藤 寛
PP. 7 - 10
Effect of Defoliation on Ethylene Evolution of Immature Japanese Persimmon Fruits
PP. 11 - 15
Cultivar Selection of Tree Peony Suitable for December Flowering
PP. 16 - 24
Extension of Vase Life of Cut Flower in Tree Peony and Herbaceous Peonies Using STS and Other Chemical Compounds
PP. 25 - 30
The Classification of the Leaves and Branches of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) According to Nitrogen Concentration
片桐 成夫
原 滋治
PP. 31 - 38
Effects of monochromatic radiations on pycnidium formation in Septoria obesa
本田 雄一
宮脇 隆
PP. 39 - 45
Floral Preference and Flower Constancy of a Brazilian Stingless Bee, Nannotrigona testaceicornis Kept in a Greenhouse (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
ベーゴ L.R.
前田 泰生
手塚 俊行
石田 一博
PP. 46 - 54
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(9) : Development of Haplogonatopus apicalis (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)
PP. 55 - 59
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(10) : Development of Pseudogonatopus fulgori (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)
PP. 60 - 63
A Preparetory Study on the Relation between Uncertainty and Price Formation of Agricultural and Forestry Products
PP. 64 - 71
PP. 72 - 75
PP. 76 - 79
PP. 80 - 84
The Performance of Air Suction by Mixing Shock Phenomenon with Multi-Oriffice Nozzle in Aquaculture
PP. 85 - 90
Studies of Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Products : Surface Color and Sugar Component
岩尾 俊男
竹山 光一
PP. 91 - 96
The Control Function with Small Discharge, Measurement of Water Height and Gate Control aided by the Personal Computer : Studies on the Flow Control System in Tilting Open Channel Flume by Personal Computer (III)
PP. 97 - 102
Probabilistic Estimation for Amount of Rainfall during Localized Heavy Rainfall, July, 1988
福島 晟
田中 礼次郎
PP. 103 - 112
Runoff Analysis in Hamada Dam Basin during Localized Heavy Rainfall, July, 1988
福島 晟
田中 礼次郎
PP. 113 - 119
Influence of Material Properties on the Relation between Dispersion Coefficient and Pore-Velocity
PP. 120 - 125
The Shearing Properties of Compacted Mixed Soil with Tuffaceous Sand and Clay
鳥山 晄司
PP. 126 - 131
The Influence of Back Pressure and Consolidation Stress on the Coefficient of permeability of Compacted Soils(II)
鳥山 晄司
PP. 132 - 137
PP. 138 - 141
PP. 142 - 145
PP. 146 - 155
Application of Endochronic Theory with Kernels to Modeling Concrete Behavior
藤居 良夫
PP. 156 - 167
Application of Endochronic Theory with Kernels to Modeling Concrete Behavior
藤居 良夫
PP. 168 - 176
Production of wood meal-gypsum composite board and its bending peoperties
PP. 177 - 183
Restriction Endonucleases from Phormidium lapideum, a Strain of Filamentous and Thermophilic Cyanobacteria
PP. 184 - 191
Effect of Intravenous Infusion of Adrenalin on the Ruminating Behaviour in Sheep
PP. 192 - 196
The Eating and Rumination Behaviour in Sheep Fed only Corn Silage
藤原 勉
春本 直
PP. 197 - 203
Effects of Calcitonin Administration on Urinary Calcium and Phosphorus Excretion in Sheep
松井 徹
矢野 秀雄
川島 良治
PP. 204 - 208
Evaluation of Blueberries as Commercial Fruit Trees in San-in Area(1) : Plant Growth and Berry Yield in Young Ages
植田 尚文
坪根 紳浩
青才 竜二
村井 泰広
内藤 隆次
PP. 209 - 215
Studies on the Forcing of Tree Paeony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)(4) : Effects of Shading and Daylength Treatments during Summer on the Growth and Development of Flower Buds and Cut-Flower Quality of Forced Tree Paeony
青木 宣明
吉野 蕃人
PP. 216 - 221
Studies on the Maturing of Artificial Compost : Effect of the mixture of Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus) and Barnyard Manure Containing Sawdust on the Carbon-Nitrogen Ratio during Piling of Compost
宇津田 嘉弘
金塚 宏
PP. 222 - 226
A relationship between bud-bursting style and seeding style in natural coastal forests, Northern Hokkaido
新村 義昭
PP. 227 - 231
Lists of the Faculty Member's Publications Faculty of Agriculture,(September 1988~August 1989)
PP. 233 - 258