
Current Issue
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University
.Volume 23
Kitagawa Izumi
PP. 0 -
Studies on the Necrosis in Grapevine buds(IV) : Relation between the Occurrence of Bud Necrosis and the Shoot Emerging from Lateral Buds on Fruiting Canes in 9 Japanese Leading Cultivars
Naito Ryuji Ueda Hisafumi Munesue Shinichi
PP. 1 - 6
Effects of GA on Cellulase Activity in Fruit Skin Tissue of 'Delaware' Grapes
Yamamura Hiroshi Saitou Kan
PP. 7 - 10
Effect of Defoliation on Ethylene Evolution of Immature Japanese Persimmon Fruits
Itamura Hiroyuki Imabori Siro Kitamura Toshio Fukushima Tadaaki
PP. 11 - 15
Cultivar Selection of Tree Peony Suitable for December Flowering
Hosoki Takashi Hamada Morihiko Kando Takumi Seo Mitsuhiro Moriwaki Ryoji Inaba Kunio
PP. 16 - 24
Extension of Vase Life of Cut Flower in Tree Peony and Herbaceous Peonies Using STS and Other Chemical Compounds
Hamada Morihiko Hosoki Takashi Moriwaki Ryoji Maeda Toshiyuki Goto Takahiro
PP. 25 - 30
The Classification of the Leaves and Branches of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) According to Nitrogen Concentration
Katagiri Shigeo Hara Shigeji
PP. 31 - 38
Effects of monochromatic radiations on pycnidium formation in Septoria obesa
Honda Yuichi Miyawaki Takashi
PP. 39 - 45
Floral Preference and Flower Constancy of a Brazilian Stingless Bee, Nannotrigona testaceicornis Kept in a Greenhouse (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
Bego Luci R. Maeta Yasuo Tezuka Toshiyuki Ishida Kazuhiro
PP. 46 - 54
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(9) : Development of Haplogonatopus apicalis (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)
PP. 55 - 59
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(10) : Development of Pseudogonatopus fulgori (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)
PP. 60 - 63
A Preparetory Study on the Relation between Uncertainty and Price Formation of Agricultural and Forestry Products
PP. 64 - 71
Crop Recognition by TV Camera with Two Image Sensors
Fujiura Tateshi Namikawa Kiyoshi
PP. 72 - 75
Pattern Recognition of Agriccultural Crop by Photoelectric Sensor
Fujiura Tateshi Namikawa Kiyoshi
PP. 76 - 79
Studies of Torsional Resistance of a Tomato Peduncle
Iwao Toshio Fujiura Tateshi Takeyama Kouichi
PP. 80 - 84
The Performance of Air Suction by Mixing Shock Phenomenon with Multi-Oriffice Nozzle in Aquaculture
Iwao Toshio Takeyama Kouichi Im Gyuwan
PP. 85 - 90
Studies of Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Products : Surface Color and Sugar Component
Iwao Toshio Takeyama Kouichi
PP. 91 - 96
The Control Function with Small Discharge, Measurement of Water Height and Gate Control aided by the Personal Computer : Studies on the Flow Control System in Tilting Open Channel Flume by Personal Computer (III)
PP. 97 - 102
Probabilistic Estimation for Amount of Rainfall during Localized Heavy Rainfall, July, 1988
Fukushima Akira Tanaka Reijiro
PP. 103 - 112
Runoff Analysis in Hamada Dam Basin during Localized Heavy Rainfall, July, 1988
Fukushima Akira Tanaka Reijiro
PP. 113 - 119
Influence of Material Properties on the Relation between Dispersion Coefficient and Pore-Velocity
PP. 120 - 125
The Shearing Properties of Compacted Mixed Soil with Tuffaceous Sand and Clay
Toriyama Koushi
PP. 126 - 131
The Influence of Back Pressure and Consolidation Stress on the Coefficient of permeability of Compacted Soils(II)
Toriyama Koushi
PP. 132 - 137
A Study on Optimum Position of Pipe-Cooling in Fill-Dam Gallery
PP. 138 - 141
A Study on Drying Shrinkage within Fill-Dam Gallery
PP. 142 - 145
Thermodynamic Foundations of Endochronic Theory with Kernels
Fujii Yoshio
PP. 146 - 155
Application of Endochronic Theory with Kernels to Modeling Concrete Behavior
Fujii Yoshio
PP. 156 - 167
Application of Endochronic Theory with Kernels to Modeling Concrete Behavior
Fujii Yoshio
PP. 168 - 176
Production of wood meal-gypsum composite board and its bending peoperties
PP. 177 - 183
Restriction Endonucleases from Phormidium lapideum, a Strain of Filamentous and Thermophilic Cyanobacteria
Ochiai Hideo Shibata Hitoshi Sawa Yoshihiro Ashida Naomi
PP. 184 - 191
Effect of Intravenous Infusion of Adrenalin on the Ruminating Behaviour in Sheep
Harumoto Tadashi Mizobata Fuminori Matsui Tohru Fujihara Tsutomu
PP. 192 - 196
The Eating and Rumination Behaviour in Sheep Fed only Corn Silage
Fujihara Tsutomu Harumoto Tadashi
PP. 197 - 203
Effects of Calcitonin Administration on Urinary Calcium and Phosphorus Excretion in Sheep
Matsui Tohru Yano Hideo Kawashima Ryoji
PP. 204 - 208
Evaluation of Blueberries as Commercial Fruit Trees in San-in Area(1) : Plant Growth and Berry Yield in Young Ages
Ueda Hisafumi Tsubone Nobuhiro Aosai Ryuji Murai Yasuhiro Naito Ryuji
PP. 209 - 215
Studies on the Forcing of Tree Paeony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)(4) : Effects of Shading and Daylength Treatments during Summer on the Growth and Development of Flower Buds and Cut-Flower Quality of Forced Tree Paeony
Aoki Noriaki Yoshino Shigeto
PP. 216 - 221
Studies on the Maturing of Artificial Compost : Effect of the mixture of Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus) and Barnyard Manure Containing Sawdust on the Carbon-Nitrogen Ratio during Piling of Compost
Uzuta Yoshihiro Kanetsuka Hiroshi
PP. 222 - 226
A relationship between bud-bursting style and seeding style in natural coastal forests, Northern Hokkaido
Shinmura Yoshiaki
PP. 227 - 231
Lists of the Faculty Member's Publications Faculty of Agriculture,(September 1988~August 1989)
PP. 233 - 258