
アクセス数 : 1031
ダウンロード数 : 146
島根大学農学部研究報告 7 巻
1973-12-15 発行


On the Water-Surface Temperature of Lake Nakanoumi and the Air Temperature of Its Shore Area (A Preliminary Report) : Climatologic Studies on a Large-Scale Lake Bottom Reclamation
小林 哲夫
d0030007n020.pdf ( 545 KB )
The average transition of the daily minimum water-surface temperature of Lake Nakanoumi and that of the daily mean air temperature of its shore area are recognized to be about the same expect in winter.
Winter is the rainy season in this district, and a large quantity of relatively cold rainwater flows into this lake, so that the water-surface temperature seems to keep a low level in comparison with that of the air temperature. This phenomenon makes the warming effect of this lake in winter poor.