
アクセス数 : 959
ダウンロード数 : 53
島根大学農学部研究報告 Volume 6
published_at 1972-12-15

アテ択伐林に関する研究(5) : マアテー斉林の生長

Studies on the Selection Forest of Ate(Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. Et ZUCC. Var. hondal MAKlNO)(5) : The growth of Maate even-aged uniform forest
Yasui Hitoshi
Fujie Isao
d0030006n007.pdf ( 580 KB )
The growing stock and the structure of 62 plots of Maate even-aged uniform forest were investigated at Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture. On the other hand, the increment and the biomass of two plots were studied at 35 and 37 years old stands.
The results of this study are as follows :
1. The growth curve was studied by various experimental equation. The mean stem increment of Maate forest amounted to about 9 m^3 per ha.
2. The allometry of a single tree was calculated by sample trees, and the biomass of upper ground in plots was estimated by these equations.
3. The dry weight of the foliage per ha. at 37 years stand was amounted to 332 ton, and it seems that the value is larger than that of selection forest.