
アクセス数 : 1113
ダウンロード数 : 79
島根大学農学部研究報告 8 巻
1974-12-15 発行

スプリンクラーの散水特性に関する研究 : 中間圧式噴流交差型の場合

Studies on the Characteristics of Sprinkler Distribution Patterns : On the Middle Pressure Type Sprinkler with Crossing Two Water Jets
太田 頼敏
d0030008n016.pdf ( 671 KB )
In this paper, the results of experimental study on the characteristics of distribution patterns by a middle pressure type sprinkler with crossing two water jets are shown.
These experiments were conducted under windy and windless condition.
It is infered from the measurments that the two thick wet parts are appear near the center of wet area when the wind blows over 2m/sec.
From the results of unifomity of sprinkler distributions by graphical solutions, the space from nozzle to nozzle and from line to line is 10m by 12m or 34% by 41% of the maximum diameter of wet area under the windless condition.
It is expected that uniformity coefficient of sprinkier distribution amounts to over 80% and in this case the optimum pressure is about 25kg/<cm>^2.