
アクセス数 : 1164
ダウンロード数 : 153
島根大学農学部研究報告 Volume 12
published_at 1978-12-15

ユスリカの主要種とその発生消長について : 中海および宍道湖の水生昆虫相に関する研究(2)

On the Main Chironomid Species and Seasonal Changes in Their Population : Studies on the Aquatic Insect Fauna in Lakes NAKANOUMI and SHINJIKO(2)
Miura Tadashi
d0030012n008.pdf ( 656 KB )
During the seasons from June to October in 1977, 1,423 and 29,442 Chironomid flies were collected in light traps at Lakes NAKANOUMI and SHJNJIKO, respectively. The main species identified were 13 species in the former and about 63% of specimens were consisted of Cricotopus trifasciatus, Chironomus kiiensis, Polypedilum octogattatus and Corynoneura sp. (3) That in the latter were 18 species and Polypedilum sp. (4) accounted for more than 50 per cent of specimens.