.50 巻
PP. [i] - [i]
Promotion of Strategy Use for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder who Persists in the Specific Strategy in the Constructive Activities
PP. 1 - 6
A Study on the Teaching Practice to Enhance the Self-Esteem of Elementary School Students by Role-Playing
橋本 洋子
稲垣 卓司
PP. 7 - 15
A Comparative Study of "National Assessment of Academic Ability and Study" and "Academic Ability Survey of Shimane Prefecture" : Focus on Survey Problems of Elementary School Science
有藤 裕衣
栢野 彰秀
PP. 17 - 30
Scientific Literacy to Reconsider from the PISA Assessments' Problems
PP. 31 - 43
PP. 45 - 50
Practice of the Student Education in Regional Cooperation by the Design Production Activity : Example of the Playground Equipment“Spaceship HOSHIZORA” Reproduction
PP. 51 - 58
A Study on the State of Moral Education under the‘ The Special Subject Morality’ : Based on a Revised Course of Study
PP. 59 - 64
PP. 65 - 73
Problem for Diet Management Ability Formation of High School Students
PP. 75 - 84
The Reality and Problems of the Breakfast of the Freshman : Who Uses a University Co-op Cafeteria
PP. 85 - 91
Supportive Action for Participation of School Clerical Staffs in School Management
PP. 93 - 103
The Psychological Study of Conflict between Self Image and Role Expectations of Fatherhood
千石 智恵
石野 陽子
PP. 105 - 121
Developing Process of Finger Dexterity in Early Childhood and Its Relation with Laterality : Characteristics of Finger Dexterity Depending on Potential Laterality
橋爪 一治
村上 美紗
PP. 123 - 130
The Actual Conditions of Tatami-mat in Kindergartens and Nursery Schools
PP. 131 - 139
Hoshūka as Supplemental Courses against Regional Divide of the Opportunity for Higher Education
北川 翼
諸岡 了介
PP. 141 - 152
PP. 153 - 163
