.57 巻
PP. -
Reconstructing the Teacher Education Diploma Policy: Based on the Discussion at the Faculty of Education, Shimane University
PP. 1 - 9
A Framework for Analyzing Pupils' Reflections in Elementary School Foreign Language Classes
PP. 11 - 22
The Characteristics of the Observation of Living Things and Neighboring Nature, Breeding of Animals, Cultivation of Plants Looked at by "Shizen no Kansatsu"(1941)
保田 真理恵
栢野 彰秀
PP. 23 - 32
PP. 33 - 40
PP. 41 - 53
PP. 55 - 61
A Study on the Transformation of Values in Arithmetic Learning Situations: An Analysis of Conciseness in the Study of 6th Grade "Volume"
山田 明日可
下村 岳人
PP. 63 - 71
Creation of colored soaps by subtractive color mixing and color composition: Development of Art Workshops for Museums I
PP. 73 - 83
