.56 巻
PP. -
Teachersʼ prediction about working hours and its effect on teachersʼ enjoyment
PP. 1 - 13
An Attempt to Assess "Attitude Toward Independent-Minded Learning" and "Thinking, Judgment, and Expression" Based on Behavioral Observation and Descriptive Analysis in the Same Learning Scene ―In Case of the third grade of Elementary Science Unit "Shadows and the Sun" ―
白山 由希子
栢野 彰秀
PP. 15 - 20
Characteristics of "the Questions" Listed in a Junior High School Science Textbooks #2― Through Comparison of Current and Former Tokyo-Syoseki Textbooks ―
原田 奈央
栢野 彰秀
PP. 21 - 27
Connection and Reduction of Clauses: The Development of English Relative Clauses
PP. 29 - 38
Restoration of Chapter Structure of the Cang jie Pian from the Peking University Collection of Han Bamboo Strips
PP. 39 - 54
PP. 55 - 66
A Reconsideration of the Shimin Kakumei(市民革命) in the Japanese History Textbooks, with reference to the viewpoints and narratives of the British and the French Textbooks
PP. 67 - 78
Relationship between norm awareness in class, motivation to learn and self-esteem
須﨑 康臣
兄井 彰
PP. 79 - 82
The current conditions of early childhood cooking experiences in the home
PP. 83 - 88
Class practice of Tatara steelmaking using raw materials obtained from he Hi-i basin, Shimane Prefecture
増田 史朗
水野 薫
PP. 89 - 95
Development of Lessons on Regional Subjects in Elementary School Home Economics from the Perspective of ESD
三浦 彩花
鎌野 育代
PP. 97 - 109
Rethinking of consumer education in junior high school home economics― consideration of lesson by action research ―
PP. 111 - 119
