.48 巻
Present and future issues for foreign language activities at elementary Schools : based on the survey result of Shimane teachers
PP. 1 - 10
Elementary school science class to unify instruction and assessments using image mapping test : through lessons of the 4th grade unit on ”water and its changes of state”
PP. 11 - 26
A historical research on establishment of the staff of art education in the college : the case of the faculty of education of Tottori University
PP. 27 - 38
PP. 39 - 42
PP. 43 - 53
PP. 55 - 63
Actual conditions of Tatami and Tatami-space of modelhouses and openhouses : the case of Matsue-city and Izumo-city
正岡 さち
肥後 久美子
PP. 65 - 72
Soluble tannin content and antioxidative activity in the pericarp of Japanese chestnut cultivar‘ Porotan’
PP. 73 - 79
