.47 巻
A Study of Preservice Teachers’ Development of Competence and Ability through Four-year Student Teaching Programs : A Case of Faculty of Education, Shimane University
PP. 1 - 6
PP. 7 - 15
The Significance of Teaching Students with Mental Retardation through Social-Cultural Contexts: What kind of Learning Theory is Applicable to Teaching Methods Integrating Academic Subjects with Other Educational Coverage?
PP. 17 - 27
Fundamental Sudy of a Lesson-Making Using lmage Mapping Test by Formative Assessment : Through Lessons of an Elementary School Science Unit on ”Water and Its Changes of State”
PP. 29 - 40
The Practice of the Field Learning Aiming at the Leadership Improvement to the University Student who wants to be a Primary School Teacher
梅田 知幸
松本 一郎
PP. 41 - 49
Effects of Coaches’ Supportive Behavior on Burnout Tendency in Junior High and High School Athletes : An Approach from Self-Determination Theory
PP. 51 - 60
A Historical Research on Establishment of the Staff of Art Education in the College : The Case of the Faculty of Education of Yamaguchi University
PP. 61 - 69
The Influences of Future Time Perspectives and Autobiographical Memory on Entrustment of Dreams
石野 陽子
清水 寛之
PP. 71 - 80
PP. 81 - 88
PP. 89 - 93
Oxygen Annealing Effect on K_(0.1)Ba_(0.9)TiO_(2.9)F_(0.1) Ceramics
PP. 95 - 99
