
Current Issue
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University
.Volume 2
Air Temperature in Ripening Stage Affecting the Ether-Extract Content in Brown Rice
Takano Keizo Imaki Tadashi
PP. 1 - 3
Studies on the Effects of Soil Temperature upon the Dry Matter Production in Rice Plant(III) : Aspects of Dry Matter Production after the Tillering Stage
Imaki Tadashi
PP. 4 - 6
Studies on the Tomatoes for Processing : Some Factors Influencing on the Fruit Color for Raw Material(2)
Terada Toshiro Takahashi Akimasa
PP. 7 - 12
Observations on the Petiole-Midribs of Potato Leaves by Means of Electron-Microscope(2) : On the Fine Structure of Cell Wall of Potato Plant having Different Resistance to the Invasion of Phytophthora infestans
Yamamoto Masaki Nozu Mikio
PP. 13 - 17
Electron-microscopy of Hypertrophied Leaf-tissues of Thea sinensis L. and Rhododendron indicum Sweet Caused by Exobasidium Fungi
Nozu Mikio Yamamoto Masaki
PP. 18 - 21
Studies on the Association of Crop Field in San-in District(4) : Influence of Insecticide on the Structure of Insect Community in Paddy Field
Miura Tadashi Fukuda Akira
PP. 22 - 30
Field Experiment on the Control of House Fly with the Chemosterilant(2)
Chikaki Hideya
PP. 31 - 34
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-10) : Grazing Behaviors of Young Fattening Beef Steers on Native Grassland
Harumoto Tadashi Kato Masanobu Katoh Keisuke
PP. 35 - 40
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-16) : Energy Expenditures of Young Fattening Beef Steers on Native Grassland
Katoh Keisuke Harumoto Tadashi Kato Masanobu
PP. 41 - 43
Inter-clone Competition of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica)
Miyake Noboru Tooyama Tomitatroo
PP. 45 - 50
Studies on the Distribution of Micro-fungi in Pine Forest Soil(4) : Influence of Needles and Broadleaves on the Micro-fungus flora
Ishii Hiroshi
PP. 51 - 56
Studies on the Distribution of Micro-fungi in Pine Forest Soil(5) : Horizontal Distribution of Micro-fungi in a Stand
Ishii Hiroshi
PP. 57 - 61
On the Diameter Distribution for Natural Regenerated "SUGI" (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) in San-in District
Yasui Hitoshi Okimura Yoshito Miyake Noboru Ishii Hiroshi Fujie Isao
PP. 62 - 68
Volume formula for a Tree of Ma-ate (A Forma of Thujopsls dolabrata SIEB. et ZUCC. var HONDAI MAKINO) Forest by Selection Method
Yasui Hitoshi Narita Tsunemi
PP. 69 - 75
On the Mechanical Vibration of Chain Saw(II) : The Isolating Effects of Rubber Mounts round the Handle
Sakurai Toshio Takahashi Akira Fujita Shinsuke
PP. 76 - 80
Strain Distribution on Bonded Test Specimen Applied to Tension
Fujita Shinsuke Takahashi Akira Sakurai Toshio
PP. 81 - 85
On the Time-Dependence of Fracture in Tensile-Creep of Wood
Fujita Shinsuke Takahashi Akira Sakurai Toshio
PP. 86 - 91
Studies on the Wood Gluing(V) : Microscopic Observation on the Durability of Phenol- and Melamine-Resin Adhesive in Plywood-type Joint
Goto Teruo Shinohara Teizo Sakuno Tomoyasu
PP. 92 - 98
Studies on the Improvement of Wooden Materials(II) : On the Gluability of Wood-Plastic Combination (WPC)(Part 1) : Effect of Polymer Content and Wettability
Goto Teruo Onishi Hirotsugu Sakuno Tomoyasu
PP. 99 - 104
Topographical-Map of Matsue Experimental Forest attached to Faculty of Agricultire (Shimane University) Used KOKUSAI-PLOTTER
Yasui Hitoshi Fujie Isao
PP. 105 - 107
Reactivity of the Functional Groups in the Solid Organic Acids and the Alkali-Lignins traced by the Infrared Spectrographic Method(Part II)
Fukuwatari Shichiro Nishikori Isamu
PP. 109 - 117
The Studies on the Copper-Poisoned Soils(Part 2) : The Actual Condition of the Copper-Poison in the Soils and the Rice Plants
Koshiba Naohiro Sano Yutaka
PP. 118 - 122
Polarography of Sunset Yellow
Date Yoshio Yamamoto Harumi
PP. 123 - 129
Effect of Gelatin on the Polarogram of Sunset Yellow
Date Yoshio Yamamoto Harumi
PP. 130 - 134
Some Investigations of Water Losses on Paddy Field
Tanaka Reijiro
PP. 135 - 140
An Experimental Study on Flow Resistance due to Vegetation
Fukuma Jun
PP. 141 - 147
Some Experiments on Submerged V-notch Weir
Fukuma Jun
PP. 148 - 153
Groundwater Table around the Line Sink(I)
Fujii Koichi
PP. 154 - 157
Thermal Stresses in Steel-lined Concrete Hollow Cylinders
Shirataki Yamaji
PP. 158 - 166
Weight Transfer caused by the Side Draft of Tractor
Tanabe Hajime Nakao Seiji
PP. 167 - 172
Measuring of Kinetic Coefficient of Friction of Grain and Flexible Material
Tanabe Hajime Iwao Toshio
PP. 173 - 178
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising in Chugoku-district(7)
Sakamoto Shiro
PP. 179 - 189
A Study on Regional Differences of Japanese Cattle Price
Hosono Seiji
PP. 190 - 196
Several problems of the credit for Agricultural successor to promote the growth of independent
Takenami Shigeo Fukuda Setsuo
PP. 197 - 204
Studies on Marketing and Retail Price of the Vegetables(II)
Inomata Itaru
PP. 205 - 213
Several Types of Development on the "Large Scale Farms"
Watanabe Haruki
PP. 214 - 223
A Study on "vorsintflutliche Kapitals" and Structure of Forestry
Kitagawa Izumi
PP. 224 - 235