Bulletin of Shimane University Faculty of Medicine

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Bulletin of Shimane University Faculty of Medicine 39
2017-03-31 発行

鏡視下手術・内視鏡治療の併用で低侵襲に治癒切除し得た 多発胃癌合併高齢者食道類基底細胞癌の一例

Minimally Invasive Management of a Poor Performance Status Elderly Male With an Advanced Esophageal Basaloid Carcinoma and Multiple Early Gastric Carcinomas
Fujii, Yusuke Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Hirahara, Noriyuki Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Taniura, Takahito Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Ishitobi, Kazunari Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Hirayama, Takanori Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Hyakudomi, Riyoji Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Yamamoto, Tetsu Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Kidani, Akihiko Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Takai, Kiyoe Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Nishi, Takeshi Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Hayashi, Hikota Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Kawabata, Yasunari Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Ishikawa, Noriyoshi Department of Clinical Pathology, Shimane University Hospital
Okano, Shinji Department of Digestive Organ and General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
食道類基底細胞癌は食道癌の特殊型の1つである。今回、多発早期胃癌を重複した進行食道類基底細胞癌を有する高齢患者に対し、鏡視下手術と内視鏡治療の併用により低侵襲に治癒切除し得た一例を経験した。症例は82歳、男性。特発性血小板減少症にて近医通院中に、食思不振、胸やけを自覚し、当院紹介となった。精査にて胸部下部に進行食道癌、また体下部大彎と前庭部大彎に多発早期胃癌を認めた。年齢、活動強度等を考慮し、まず多発胃癌病変に対して内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術を行った。いずれもfStageIA、切除断端陰性、体下部病変は治癒切除、前庭部病変は適応拡大治癒切除であった。食道手術での再建胃管として利用可能と判断し、胸腔鏡下腹臥位食道亜全摘+3領域リンパ節郭清、腹腔鏡補助下後縦隔胃管再建術を施行した。術後の病理診断にて食道癌はasaloid carcinoma、pT1bN3M0、Stage Ⅲであった。術後に肺炎などを併発したものの、保存的治療で軽快し退院した。