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島根農科大学研究報告 15
1967-01-31 発行


The Soil Survey in Honjo Farm
Koshiba, Naohiro
Sano, Yutaka
Furuyama, Mitsuo
The soils distributing in Honjo Farm of Shimane Agricultural College recently estabiished were surveyed to divide those into some groups and to clarify some mechanical and chemical properties. The results were as follows :
(1) On the basis of the differences of the hue of the soil color of the upper horizon, both upland and lowland soiis were divided into two groups Namely, those were red and reddish yellow in the former, and black or blackish brown and greyish brown in the latter.
(2) Soil textures of the upland soils were sandy clay and light clay in the upper horizons and heayy clay in the lower ones. Those of the lowland soils were sandy clay and clay loam, both in the upper horizon and in the lower one.
(3) The maximum water capacities of the upland soils were generally high and thoseof the lowland soils were equal to those of the cultivated soils distributing in ShimanePrefecture.
(4) The contents of humus and total nitrogen of the upland soils were high in the upperhorizons and extremely low in the lower ones. Those of humus and total nitrogen of the lowland soils were almost equal to those of the cultivated soils distributing in Shimane Prefecture, both in the upper horizon and the lower one, but the horizon of the high contents of humus and total nitrogen was partly observed in the lower one.