Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 18
1984-12-20 発行

水稲日本晴に現われた変異の検討(その2) : 日本晴の自然交雑率について

On Anomalous Segregation of Culm Length and Heading Time Observed in the Rice Variety "Nipponbare"(II) : Outcrossing Percentages of the Rice Variety "Nipponbare"
Imaki, Tadashi
The genetic segregations of several agronomic characters in the next generation were often found in the rice variety "Nipponbare". In order to clarify the causes of this phenomenon, the amount of outcrossing was studied, from 1977 to 1983, with several varieties included "Nipponbare".
The results obtained were as follows;
1. The outcrossing percentages of "Nrpponbare", when used "Murasaki-ine" as a pollen parent, were ranged 2.64 to 4.51%, which were significantly higher than those of the other varieties, except one variety tested.
2. The outcrossing percentages of "Brittle culm" strain, when "Nipponbare" was used as a pollen parent, were extremely low, as compared when the other varieties used as pollen parents.
3. It can be assumed that the genetic segregation observed in "Nipponbare" was fairly caused by outcrossing, and the such high frequency of outcrossing might be caused by poor pollen shedding of the variety.