Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 18
1984-12-20 発行


Impact Sound Insulathion of Wooden Panel Floor
Shiota, Yozo
Takahashi, Akira
Tanaka, Chiaki
The results of an investigation of impact sound insulation provided by wood panel floors are described. The effects of changes in floor panel design are discussed.
The sound pressure level decreased in selected panels when they were impacted by tapping machine. Floating-fioor construction was especially good for sound insulation when impacted by a tapping machine, since sound pressure level decreases even at low frequencies. However this floor dld not improve in rank with respect to sound insulation when the floor is impacted by a tire,because of no improvement at 63 Hz.
It should be further investigated wether the use of a tire as impactor permits correct evaluation of sound insulation of floor of wood frame houses.