Above ground biomass of a deciduous broad-leaved forest at Sanbe Forest of Shimane University were estimated by allometric method using logarithmic regressions of individual tree component biomass on D^2H.
1. The age of sample trees were from 32 to 39 years and 36 or 37 year-old trees were most.
2. The relationship between D and H which were actually measured was shown in the following equation.
3. The relation between weight of stem and D^2H was shownin one equation regard less of the difference in tree species. Relations between weight of other component and D^2H were shown in four equations.
4. Above ground biomass in a deciduous broad-leaved forest were estimated by above nine equations. The dry weight of stem, branch and leaf were 67-189, 10.8-24.8, 1.7-3.8ton/ha, respectively. These weight increased with the increase of stand density.