島根大学法文学部 島根大学大学院法務研究科
島根大学法文学部 , 島根大学大学院法務研究科

Current Issue
.Volume 45
Issue 4
Development of the Constitution in UK and Devolution
Matsui Yukio
PP. 37 - 82
Rechtsfolgen fehlender Mitwirkung des Leistungsberechtigten nach § 66 I SGB I
PP. 83 - 115
NPM Reform in UK : Compatibility between Managerial Accountability and Responsibility
PP. 117 - 146
L'Indetermination de la Societe Moderne et les Droits de L'Homme
Sasaki Nobuomi
PP. 147 - 172
La struttura e caratteristica delle Locazione Abitative(1)
Okamoto Shoji
PP. 173 - 216
Current Trend of the Reform of the Mental Health Act 1983 in the U.K.
PP. 217 - 244
The New Theories on Collective Agreement(1)
PP. 245 - 270
Verauβerung von Unternehmensbeteiligungen
Suda Kenji
PP. 271 - 291
The Theories of Human Rights in China for the Last Decade
Chen Mei
PP. 293 - 335
The Role and Judicial Policy of the International Court of Justice(3)
PP. 337 - 369
Wolfgang Schon "Zum Entwurf eines Steuersenkungsgezetzes"
Wolfgang Schon Okuya Takeshi
PP. 371 - 396
Materials on the Doctrine of Complicity in U.S.A.(7)
Kadota Shigeto
PP. 397 - 414
PP. 415 - 448