渡邉 久丸
.39 巻
4 号
Analyse des Vorentwurfs von 1995 fur eine neue schweizerische Bundesverfassung
PP. 1 - 60
The Establishment of the Modern Legal-Form of Penal System in the U.K.
PP. 61 - 89
The Check-off and the Authority of the Labor Commissions to Remedy
PP. 91 - 109
PP. 111 - 178
PP. 179 - 232
Shigeru Oda, "The International Court of Justice Viewed From theb Bench(1976-1993)"Recueil des Cours, Vol. 244, 1993-VII, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,p.13-190)
PP. 233 - 257
Moohr, Mail Fraud and the Intangible Rights Doctrine : Someone to Watch over Us
門田 成人
PP. 259 - 287
PP. 289 - 340
PP. 341 - 372
