.49 巻
2 号
The Pleses and Minuses in a Theory of Synthetic Title on Property of Unincorporated Association
PP. 1 - 75
The Emplotment Relations Act 2004 and Prospect of British Industrial Relations Law Reform (1)
PP. 77 - 110
Illusions as to the "Coproduction" : the Critical Study on Current Theory and Policy of NPO
PP. 111 - 178
Aktuelle Probleme der Heilung von Anhorungsfehlern in Sozialrecht (2) : Zur Neufassung des § 41 II SGB X
PP. 179 - 202
Akifumi Nakase, The modern history of the Japanese Electric Power Enterprises, Nihonkeizaihyouronsya Ltd.2005
PP. 203 - 206
